Saturday, September 29, 2007

Nessie Faithful Fear Monster Is Dead

She has played a highly lucrative game of Highland hide-and-seek for decades, but fears are rising that Scotland's most elusive resident may be no more.

The publication of shadowy photographs in the 1930s apparently showing a dinosaur-like creature at large in Loch Ness sparked a media frenzy that lasted for the rest of the century.

However, sightings of Nessie have plummeted in recent years, giving rise to fears that the long-necked Caledonian leviathan is either dead or ailing.

There have been only two reported sightings so far this year and there were only three in 2006. A decade ago the numbers were consistently in the high teens.

"It has become a potential crisis," admitted Mikko Takala, a founder member of the Official Loch Ness Monster Fan Club.

Even the American scientist Dr Robert Rines, who captured the famous 'flipper' image of Nessie in 1974, believes the monster is unlikely to have survived.

"There is very little vegetation left in the loch for creatures to eat," he said.

"Everything is going against these things still being there."

Steve Feltham, 44, who has spent 16 years watching the loch from a converted mobile library on its southern shore, believes there were once as many as 30 mysterious creatures in the loch, but that they are gradually dying off because of old age.

"In the heyday of the sightings, back in the Sixties and Seventies, there were probably 20 or 30 of these animals, but I believe that we're now down to the last half dozen," he said.

Nessie tourism brings in an estimated £6m a year for the economy of the Highlands. But without the publicity created by sightings, the tourist industry faces an uncertain future.

In the era of digital cameras, camera-phones and webcams, it is perhaps surprising that there have not been more reported sightings in recent years.

Of the two reported sightings this year, one was in March when an English holidaymaker saw what he thought was a head and fin in the loch below Urquhart Castle, while the other was in May, when a Yorkshireman captured video footage of what looked like a jet-black shape moving slowly beneath the surface. Although initially viewed as promising, experts now believe it was the result of a sustained draft of wind blowing from the surrounding hills.

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Doctors Baffled By Boy Who Sprouts 'Leaves'

Doctors are predictably baffled by what would appear to be a medical mystery. Over the last three days, assorted plant leaves and seeds have been continuously popping out from one of the ears of Aman Deep, a 12-year old boy in Faridabad. The sixth standard student has been equally stunned - his ear has "delivered" more than hundred leaves.

ENT specialists, and the radiologists who performed a high-resolution CT Scan of the boy's skull on Friday, looked clueless after the test as they sought to find an explanation. The boy's ear poured out two leaves even during the investigation at the diagnostic center here. As the doctors tried to figure out the mystery, others are already attributing it to superstition and something that was beyond the world of medicine and science.

It all started on September 25 when boy was making on his way home after school. As the school van passed by a procession carrying Lord Ganesha idols, he "felt a hot air thump on his right ear felt some irritation". "After I came back home and told my father about it he poured some oil in my ear. I went to sleep, but when I got up in the evening, my right ear started delivering plant leaves," said Aman, a student of St. Peter School in Sector 16.

He was rushed to ENT specialist Dr. Praveen Chawla, who was shocked to see assorted pieces of leaves of the plant species such as ashoka, pipal, paan, tulsi and even banana and seeds of vinca rosea plant coming out of Aman's ear.

"I have had the experience of ear and nose producing stones known as otolith and rhynolith respectively, but nothing like this. I immediately examined his eardrums and other parts of his skull. To my shock, the tympanic membrane had had no marking or bruises and redness, no sign of any trauma or any cavity in his ears," Chawla said.

Not convinced, Chawla took the help of diagnostic center Focus Diagnostics and had a CT Scan of the boy done on Friday. However, to his astonishment, Dr. Deepka Gupta, the senior consultant of the diagnostic center, simply said: "The leaves popping out from boy's ear was an 'out of the medical world phenomenon' that he had come across for the first time in his life. Even during the CT Scan, the boy developed irritations in his ear twice but produced a leaf each time."
Aman's father Sahib Singh - a snack vendor and resident of NIT Faridabad, said he was worried about his son who was now developing anxiety and had got tired of making trips to ENT clinics and the diagnostic center.

Dr. Suresh Vashisth, president of Indian Medical Association (Gurgaon) and senior laproscopic surgeon, termed the development as a superstition or a trick. He said: "Medical science does not mention anything of this kind. It is possible that the boy's ears must have a congregation of assorted leaves collected while swimming in a pool or a pond and these were now pouring out." The boy's father, however, said his son did not know how to swim.

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Chattanooga Men State They Captured "Bigfoot" on Video

Two Chattanoogans say they may have bagged the mythical "Bigfoot".

Lindsay Lemmon and Austin McGee said after returning from a trip out west, they found that video shot out the window along I-40 in New Mexico has a glimpse of what appears to be a hulking furry figure walking.

Mr. Lemmon, a local contractor who specializes in historic homes, said, "I'm still skeptical, but it does look like a figure to me. If it was a prank, then it was awfully hot and it was out in the middle of nowhere."

Mr. McGee, who shot the footage, is much more positive. He said, "I believe it whole-heartedly. Every time I look at it on the VCR I see a figure with real long arms hanging below the knees. He is walking and swinging those arms."

He said a close examination of the figure reveals "a tan round face."

Mr. Lemmon, who went to Las Vegas for filming of a Discovery Channel show on drag racing, has contacted his CPA and is in the process of getting all rights to the video.

Mr. Austin said he contacted two groups that specialize in Bigfoot lore - one from Atlanta and another from Texas. He said, "They were ready to come to my house right then. They were freaking out. They were trying all sorts of ways to get to see it."

Mr. Lemmon said they plan to release the video after the copyright is in place.

He said they do not want to release the exact location in New Mexico, though they believe they can pinpoint it from a town sign that is earlier in the video. Also, an old abandoned shack is seen near "Bigfoot".

Both men said they did not see the figure while they were passing by that spot in remote New Mexico. Mr. Lemmon was driving and Mr. McGee had the camcorder dangling out the window.

Mr. McGee said his sister noticed the figure when she was looking at what he had shot. She said, "Whoa, what's that?"

Mr. Lemmon said afterwards that Mr. McGee, who works restoring old houses for him, called and exclaimed, "We caught Bigfoot."

A local technician who transferred the video to a DVD said the figure "could be a horse. But when you see it you think immediately of the famous Patterson video of Bigfoot."

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Joan of Arc Mystery Revealed

History tells us that Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in 1431 and hundreds of documents mention sightings in 1436.

The myth of Joan of Arc, a simple shepherdess who heard God’s calling to save the French crown, has lasted several centuries now but, as it seems, it is far from reality, as two French researchers, Marcel Gay and Roger Senzig, are trying to prove in the book ‘L'Affaire Jeanne d'Arc.’

Even the name of the Maid of Orleans, Jeanne d’Arc, is ‘heresy,’ claims Marcel Gay, a journalist at L’Est Republicain, who has spent more than ten years researching the subject. The authors were granted insight into five of the 19 letters written by her. Three of them are signed ‘Jeanne,’ but none of them reads ‘d’Arc.’

Sightings after her death

Her modest background is also questionable. The supposed shepherdess stated during her trial in Rouen that she ‘never tended sheep or other cattle.’ An excellent equestrian, Joan was well acquainted with the language of the court, which is evident in the written documents mentioned in the book.

The authors were also confused by the circumstances of her death. Even though history teaches us that Joan was burned at the stake in 1431, there are hundreds of documents that say that ‘the Maid of Orleans’ appeared in Metz, Arlon (Belgium), Koeln (Germany) and Orleans even after the year 1436.

- In the 15th century like today, one handled the public opinion. Jeanne d’ Arc, it is secret diplomacy – says Marcel Gay - The legend is beautiful, but the truth is even more.

Psychological warfare

Based on numerous documents that support their thesis, the authors claim that Joan was a ‘psychological’ weapon of the French crown in the war against the English. According to ‘Operation Virgin,’ supposedly conceived by the king’s mother-in-law Yolande d’Anjou, Joan heard voices and became God’s messenger in order to inspire fear in the enemy. The strategy brought the French success in the war.

In the end: Jeanne reportedly got married to Robert des Armoises in 1436, became Jeanne des Armoises, and the Maid was committed to legend. The Joan of Arc myth was revived at the end of the 19th century, when France named her a symbol founder of the Republic after the defeat in 1870. The Church declared her to be a saint in 1920.

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Orange Orb Witnessed Over Saanich Peninsula

Unidentified ‘orange orb’ seen above Sidney

Are we alone in the universe?

One Sidney resident always thought he’d wait until the aliens landed before he’d believe in little green men. The man, who routinely pops out to his suburban backyard for an evening cigarette, was surprised when he saw an unidentified flying object.

The UFO was a bright orange orb, which he later described as a jellyfish shape. He briefly wrote the unusual sight off as lights on a plane.

He quickly changed his mind. It was too bright, too orange, and it cruised silently southward over the Sidney sky.

“I would expect a lot of people would have seen it if they looked skyward. It was very conspicuous,” he told the Peninsula News Review. “If it was a prank, it was a really good prank.”

The whole sighting took about three or four minutes he explained, pointing out the path the light cut across the Sidney sky, toward the airport. He quickly snapped off four photographs, but was disappointed with the outcome; the orange blobs against the black night sky shed little light on the origin or makeup of the UFO.

The story gets stranger as the Sidney man wasn’t alone.

He reported the sighting to an online website and shortly thereafter another report came in, also from Sidney.

“We were standing outside in the front of our house and suddenly there was a bright light that came over the trees,” the second witness reported. “I thought it was a plane at first, because it was so low, but there was no sound. It then curved around to the south moving very slowly and seemed to be getting higher and much further away … then it just disappeared.

“We knew it wasn’t a plane, it was moving way too slow. People everywhere were looking up at this thing. I don’t know what I saw, but it was pretty exciting.”

There were clear skies when the bright orange orb was spotted Sunday, Sept. 9, shortly after 9 p.m. with more than 43-kilometre visibility and gentle winds.

The sightings are being investigated by Ufologist Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research in Houston, B.C.

A ufologist studies unidentified flying object reports, alleged physical evidence, and other related phenomena.

“It’s a little bit weird,” Vike said, noting the speed and shape make the sighting unusual.

“We’ve been getting a lot of this stuff out of the U.K. and that has turned out to be those Thai lanterns,” Vike said. “But this one, I don’t know.”

The BBC reported two years ago that the release of Thai lanterns during a wedding sparked a deluge of UFO sighting reports. Witnesses saw the group of about 30 lights Thursday, Oct. 20, 2005 and described the red blobs as “not airplanes, nor helicopters.”

When investigating an unidentified flying object, Vikes said he begins with astronomy programs online and to confirm that it’s something unusual. Then he contacts local media, police, airports and other contacts.

“It’s basically just sort of run down the list, make calls and hopefully come up with something,” Vike said.

Little has been discovered about the recent sighting over Sidney. Despite the report of “people everywhere” looking up at it, there have been no more reports from eye witnesses. The strange, glowing orange globe also remains to be explained.

About 90 per cent of UFO’s are identified, Vike said, whether it’s weather experiments, military experiments or a host of other explanations.

“But 10 per cent remain unknown because it’s very hard to find information,” Vike said.

So far this year Vike has received about 100 reports of UFO from across B.C.

“That doesn’t include all the other ufologists and there’s lots of them,” Vike said. “They’re coming in from pretty much everywhere.”

Ufologists across Canada have received more than 300 reports. “Then you try to distinguish what is real and what is not,” Vike said.

“It was very bright, brilliant even. It pulsated/flickered/jiggled slightly, the colour was not homogenous or static, it was very much like a glowing orange jellyfish,” the first witness said. “It continued due south over Sidney at an increasing rate of speed and appeared to move south towards Victoria and then south-west and out of sight dimming from view.”

Whether there’s an explanation or not, the Sidney man is glad there was another witness backing up his sighting, and hopes other witnesses will come forward.

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Friday, September 28, 2007

NASA Video Confirms Shuttle Witnessed UFO

This is a video from mission control in Houston. No indication of the shuttle flight mission though it is the Discovery shuttle. Crew refers to UFO as "alien spacecraft".

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Ghostly Evidence at Haunted Newcastle Theatre

Can you see Kambrook the ghost in this picture?

This is the picture that psychic medium and spirit hunter John Overholt claims proves the existence a ghost haunting Newcastle Repertory Theatre.

According to John you can see the face of a middle-aged man in this picture, a man named Kambrook, who workers say has long haunted the sound and lighting box at the De Vitre St, Lambton theatre.

"He is mischievous but he is a good spirit," Mr Overholt says. "He just loves the theatre."

Newcastle Theatre Company commissioned Mr Overholt to spend a night at the theatre to see if he could produce evidence it was haunted.

He not only found but claims to have photographed Kambrook, and uncovered more than half a dozen spiritual entities that call the theatre home, including one "bad" spirit.

"He is here from a time before this was a theatre," Mr Overholt said. "It has been a church and various other things before it was a theatre, and he is from that time.

"He had a very negative energy, and so we brought our own energy and removed him."

According to Mr Overholt discovered the spirit of an older woman dwelling in the green room, and various other "friendly" ghosts made themselves known to him over the course of the evening.

The findings of Mr Overholt's evening were presented at a fundraising lecture Encounters With the Beyond. He says Hunter hauntings are very common.

"I would say 70 per cent of homes and buildings in this area have spirits within them," he says. "We also have our own personal spirits with us."

Mr Overholt also claims to have felt the presence of a 1233 ghost at the ABC Studios in Newcastle West, a spirit that some who work nights and weekends here believe lurks in the back corridor.

"He is wearing blue overalls, so I don't feel that he was a radio person. He wasn't a journalist or 'on the radio'," Mr Overholt said. "I feel he had some sort of maintenance role."

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pulsating UFO Observed Over Iran

An unknown multicolored pulsating object was videotaped over Kermanshah, Iran. There was no date other than '2007' given. This object is very similar to those reported seen over western Turkey earlier this summer.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Unknown Object Observed Over Phlegrean Islands

Interesting video taken over the Phlegrean Islands (Italy) of Ischia and Procida in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Notice how the object ducks in and out of the clouds. No other text was provided. Will update if more information is available.

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Cleveland / Northern Ohio = UFO Hotspot

To suggest that Northeast Ohio could be witness to the next mass UFO sighting does not officially make you a member of the tin-foil hat crowd. If you believe even just a few of the witnesses, Cleveland and its surrounding communities might already be a hotspot.

During the previous two years, the Cleveland UFOlogy Project, considered the oldest of its kind on this side of the globe, has documented 20 credible sightings. The 2005 documentary Dan Akroyd: Unplugged on UFOs highlighted the peculiar lights over Lake Erie near Eastlake, where witnesses reported their latest sighting just this past June. Earlier this year, an "orb" was videotaped over the Key Bank Tower during a peace rally, and the incident made it on the CBS nightly news.

The hype continues: Literally hundreds of thousands have downloaded Internet videos of Northeast Ohio UFOs. The Cleveland Office of Homeland Security has investigated. And one of the Eastlake UFO witnesses says he's signed a contract with a History Channel for a documentary.

"If you take all of the people in Ohio who are interested in this subject, I bet half of them are from that part of the state," says Central Ohio-based William E. Jones, state director for Ohio MUFON, or Mutual UFO Network. "A lot of folks up there have seen things over the years. More people are interested up there. I don't know why."

Sam Phillips has long been a fixture of Cleveland's music scene. He's an accomplished drummer and "hand snapper," and appeared on The Arsenio Hall Show. When interviewed for this story, however, he was homeless and sleeping at the homes of friends and family. Phillips taped a strange light spinning and hovering over the Key Bank Tower on March 10, during a peace rally.

"This is not about me," says Phillips, who admits he has become obsessed with what he saw that night. "There's a pattern here. There's a riddle here. And I want answers. I want an explanation."

He believes it wasn't coincidence the sighting took place over a peace rally. During the sighting, he recalls saying that our "brothers and sisters are going to come down from the universe and humble our ass."

Phillips' story, however, is but a sidebar in the current wave of Northeast Ohio UFO mania. Taking center stage is Lake Erie, and Michael Lee Hill of Eastlake.

Hill, like Phillips, is a musician. In 2001, Grammy-award winner and guitar legend Steve Vai picked Hill as the winner of a national guitar contest. Hill is gregarious, upbeat and likeable. He's unconventional and complex. He's certain that the UFOs he has seen are targeting him.

"I've had contact my whole life," he says. "I remember asking my mother, "Why do Santa's elves keep visiting me?'"

The recent visitations started in earnest five years ago, not far from the coal-burning power plant, he says. While walking on the beach, not far from his home, Hill said he witnessed a top hat-shaped craft hovering and pulsating over the shoreline. This same area is also famous in UFO lore for a 1988 encounter documented by the Coast Guard.

Hill started taking a video camera to the lakefront. Since then he's captured scores of bright lights that appear to hover over Lake Erie. He's uploaded many of his videos to YouTube, and those caught the attention of David Sereda, who directed the Akroyd documentary. Hill created the music for Sereda's latest project, From Here To Andromeda. Hill also says he recently signed a contract for a History Channel project, but the channel did not return Free Times' calls.

"I really do consider myself a spiritual messenger; I know it sounds freaky," says Hill, adding that the UFO filmed over the Key Bank Tower is one of the same orbs he captured over Lake Erie. "There's a huge story unfolding here. I think they're absolutely sending us a message. I believe they are here to help us become a galactic society."

At the other end of the spectrum is Eastlake resident Gary Strauss, who says adamantly, "I'm not one of those UFO people." He's a chemist and a supervisor at a local laboratory. He's lived in his home on the lake since 1984, in the same neighborhood as Hill, though they've never met.

Early on the morning of June 21, Strauss and his son saw four bright lights, shaped like the tip of a Sharpie marker, high above the water. The lights were in a line parallel with the shoreline, positioned at 11 o'clock and 30 degrees above the horizon.

Then one vanished. Then another. Soon all four were gone. Suddenly, they reappeared in the shape of a diamond. Then they went flat again. This went on for more than an hour.

He called the Eastlake police and they dispatched an officer. Strauss remembers the officer saying, "What is that?"

The following day, his son checked the Internet for lights over Lake Erie and found one of Hill's videos. He recalls his son shouting, "That's it! That's what we saw!"

But unlike other Lake Erie witnesses, Strauss doesn't believe the lights are extraterrestrial. He guesses they're the result of government or aerospace industry experiments with new technology. "They're bouncing radar off some type of object," he speculates. "Some form of radar reflection technology. I'm just making an educated guess."

Nevertheless, he's intrigued.

"I look outside a lot more. I want to see it again," says Strauss. "This time, I'm going to have my camera." But he rejects the suggestion that it's anything more than curiosity: "No. I'm not obsessive. Absolutely not."

The Eastlake police actually had two witnesses that night. A detective, who asked not to be named, told the Free Times that he too saw the lights, but from a different vantage point.

The Eastlake police asked the Cleveland office of Homeland Security to look into the sighting, and the detective says he was told later that on the night of the sighting, the Canadian Coast Guard was near the opposite side of the lake searching for a man who had been reported missing. A Canadian Coast Guard helicopter dropped flares, connected to miniature parachutes, over the water. Later it was discovered the man had drowned.

Strauss finds this implausible, believes the lights appeared in a straight line, then vanished, then reappeared in a diamond formation.

The Bush administration reportedly has funneled billions to the aerospace industry to develop space-based weapons under the guise of missile defense. Secret military space-plane programs are believed to have been revived as well.

Another possibility are LAGEOS, or Laser Geodynamics Satellites. Publicly, the government says two are in orbit, and both are roughly the size of a basketball. They are made of brass and partially covered with a retro-reflection material that returns light in the direction it comes from, similar to a road sign.

There's also NASA's Glenn Research Center at the Plum Brook site in Sandusky. The site is home to the world's largest space environment simulation chamber. That chamber will test NASA's new spacecraft, Orion, which will take the US back to the moon. Recent upgrades to the Plum Brook site will also allow it to test "next- generation lunar landers, robotic systems, and military and commercial aircraft," according to NASA's Web site.

"So here I come walking out of the TV station one night in November maybe a decade ago after our early evening newscast," says Ted Henry of New Channel 5. "In perfect formation there were five large objects flying smoothly in my direction. It was stunning.

"What I saw was the undersides of five flat objects flying in exact formation. The front two were enormous, maybe the size of several football fields, and the three trailing were smaller, flying in a slightly irregular pattern."

"What do I think they were? All I can really tell you is what I saw."

Henry has talked about his sighting many times on the air. He puts the experience this way: "One thing is certain, for people who see something in the sky, as I did over Cleveland years ago, it can be a life changing experience.

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Satellite Searches Could Spot Bigfoot, Nessie, Etc.

Adventurer Steve Fossett went missing Sept. 3 about 70 miles southeast of Reno, Nevada, in a small plane. He left no flight plan, and searchers have combed tens of thousands of square miles of Nevada and California. After weeks of fruitless searches, and with the survival window closing, Web users were enlisted to help in Fossett's rescue, from the comfort of their own homes.

Using a program called Mechanical Turk, high-resolution satellite imagery of the search area was collected and analyzed. Participants were shown a single satellite image and asked to note any objects or wreckage that could be a plane or its debris.

The search did solve a few mysteries: several previously unknown small plane wrecks—some dating back to the 1950s—were found. Though Fossett and his plane remain missing, the satellite technology used to search for him could theoretically be applied to other types of searches. It may finally verify the existence of large, mysterious creatures reputed to inhabit the globe. Unknown animals such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster, for example, might be easily located and captured—if indeed they exist.

While satellites would be of limited use in heavily wooded areas, Bigfoot creatures have been reported in many places with relatively little forest, including Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Texas and Arizona. A single 12-foot Bigfoot may or may not be hard to spot, but a family of them would be easier to find. Furthermore, there cannot be only one Bigfoot; there must be a breeding population of them, by some estimates 6,000 to 10,000 in North America alone. Surely a coordinated, close search of satellite images would reveal dozens, if not hundreds or thousands, of Bigfoot in remote areas at any given time.

The search could include bodies of water as well. Many lake monsters and sea serpents are reported to be 50 feet or longer, and surface regularly where they are seen. If armchair investigators are up to the task, they could monitor monster-inhabited lakes such as Scotland's Loch Ness, Canada's Lake Okanagan and America's Lake Champlain using Google Earth technology. Monster buffs don't need to dip their toes into cold lakes or brave the wilderness to search for their quarry; they can scan a dozen square miles over cup of hot coffee at their leisure.

Of course, if such searches are done and still reveal no solid proof of the monsters' existence, few minds will be changed. Diehard believers can always claim that all the monstrous beasts somehow hid undetected or are masters at camouflage. Or the searchers didn't look long enough or in the right places. It only takes one live or dead Bigfoot or lake monster to forever prove that they exist, but no amount of failed searches will ever prove they don't.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dan Aykroyd's Haunted House: "I'm Sure It's Mama Cass"

The 4,800 square foot manse sits on Woodrow Wilson Drive and claims Ringo Starr and Mama Cass as previous celebrity owners. But these days, it is the property of Dan Aykroyd and his wife Donna Dixon who, thanks to other homes in New York, Martha’s Vineyard and Ontario, Canada, have little call for day-to-day L.A. living.

According to blogger The Realestalker, the home is currently available for rent at $30,000 per month and has been going unclaimed at that price for a whopping 450 days. Aykroyd has previously claimed that a ghost occupies the home, and he should know. His brother Peter is said to be a psychic researcher.

“A ghost certainly haunts my house," Aykroyd once told "It once even crawled into bed with me. The ghost also turns on the Stairmaster and moves jewelry across the dresser. I'm sure it's Mama Cass, because you get the feeling it's a big ghost."

In a way, it makes sense that the ghost of Mama Cass would want to hang out with Elwood Blues. He should be thanking his lucky stars that it is not the ghost of John Belushi that is hanging around the home. The cleaning bill alone might rival $30,000 a month. And quite frankly, given Aykroyd’s recent movie output, a screenplay based on his haunted experiences in the five bedroom, five-and-a-half bath abode with pool could make for his most entertaining vehicle in years. Suggested title: California Screaming.

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Fossett Mystery Another Chapter in Nevada Mythology

Alien towns. Lost 19th-century cannons. Lake monsters. Frozen bodies swimming at the bottom of Lake Tahoe. Nevada is a vortex for the unexplained.

And it appears at this writing that we have another whopper of a puzzle to add to the list.

The case of missing aviator Steve Fossett who disappeared from the Flying M Ranch near Yerington Sept. 3 has techno-sleuths, psychics and concerned folks around the world focused on our region.

The attention is natural, and for the same reason we see grown men in suits scribbling out sudoku puzzles in airports -- our race is obsessed with solving problems.

We want to know what happened to this most incredible man who has broken world records and triumphed over fear time and again only to be taken down during a simple day trip.

Fossett’s tale inflates exponentially as the weeks pass without any signs of the famed pilot or his blue and white plane, building upon his already legendary life.

“We like to think that anything is findable with enough resources. But it could turn into another Amelia Earhart situation,” Ric Gillespie told the Associated Press this week.

Government aircraft have searched more than 20,000 square miles around Northern Nevada, followed every lead by air and foot and have found nothing. Family and friends of the famous adventurer have also used state-of-the-art technology and aircraft to scour the land and have come up empty-handed.

And for the first time, Internet users have joined the effort. Tips and satellite coordinates have poured in from all corners of the globe by well-intended people who want answers.

One reader sent me an unusual e-mail message this week. The reader’s psychic friend had a vision of Fossett landing in Walker Lake (her best guess for the water she envisioned). The reader wrote: “She said his plane had a cracked block and he was trying to get back to the ranch when he crashed.”

Like Earhart, Fossett has fans the world over. Many wonder how much the search has cost our government agencies as the constant drone continued overhead for two solid weeks until the Civil Air Patrol ceased air operations on Monday.

Final numbers aren’t in, but it surely pales in comparison to Earhart’s search.

In 1937, when Earhart disappeared, the U.S. government spent $4 million looking for her, making the search the most costly and intensive air and sea operation of its kind in history.

Coincidently, Fossett’s plane could have landed close to the area of another mystery Nevadans have been trying to solve for more than a century -- Union General John C. Fremont’s lost cannon.

Snow was deep over the Carson Pass in January 1844 as Fremont’s group, which included Kit Carson, tried to cross. The 1835-model mountain howitzer they carried proved too cumbersome and they left it behind somewhere near the state line and Bridgeport, Calif.

“They were in the vicinity west of the Walker River,” said Nevada state archivist Guy Rocha. “They just walked away from it.”

The group headed to California and never returned to find it. Along the way, Fremont is believed to be the first white man to view Lake Tahoe. Treasure hunters have looked for the prized cannon without success, using Fremont’s journals as a guide.

“Like buried treasure, people will look for that cannon ‘til kingdom come,” Rocha said.

Other enigma that may never be solved includes Tahoe Tessie, the lake-faring monster that believers say lurks in the icy waters of Lake Tahoe (no matter how much science is thrown at them to disprove this notion).

Another stumper is the business about frozen bodies at the bottom of that same lake in the Sierra. Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau was supposedly frightened right out of his wetsuit during a dive in a sub in the mid-1970s. “The world isn’t ready for what was down there,” he was quoted as saying.

Cousteau did not release photographs from the deep-water trip, adding to the mystery. Many divers have since requested to duplicate the dive.

And, of course, the mother of all mysteries: Area 51. Scientist Bob Lazar who first spilled the beans about working with alien spacecraft at the site in 1989 is now living in New Mexico with his wife, Joy, their dogs and a rescue horse, and reportedly no longer talks about the little green fellows.

I hope by the time this is published, Fossett has been found and this mystery can be put to rest. If not, Nevada will keep his memory alive in its treasure trove of unsolved mysteries.

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Monday, September 24, 2007

The Michigan Dogman Film

Statement by Linda Godfrey: Over the 15+ years I've been investigating unknown upright canids, I've seen too many obviously faked photos and unverifiable blob-dogs to count. There is a new film on the block, however, that is the best and most frightening I've seen so far. It is still in the investigative stages and could still be proven a hoax, but if so it's an extremely sophisticated and well done hoax. It was shown to Steve Cook, Michigan deejay who has popularized Michigan's upright canid known as the Michigan Dogman, several months ago. He obtained the rights to the film which was taken with an old 8 mm camera and was allegedly found in an estate sale in the lower Peninsula. Steve has been busy consulting with film and imaging experts, but has posted it now on his Web site. I was fortunate enough to have had a sneak preview at the stills of the film, and while I thought the stills would probably disprove it, I found them more convincing and scary than the film itself.

The film is grainy, blurry, shows a lot of nondescript landscape and begins with some ordinary shots of a lady chopping a log. It appears that the filmmaker saw the creature while riding in a truck, jumped out of the truck to shoot it, then was surprised by a side ambush and ended up with a view of the creature's fangs and gaping maw -- perhaps after the camera was tossed to the ground in haste as the filmer hustled back into the truck. (I think the mouth shots are the least convincing part of the film.) But the first stills that show the creature clearly indicate a canine-headed animal moving through knee-high undergrowth. It has pointed ears on top of its head and shoulders, which ordinary dogs (or bears or other quadrupeds) do not have. It turns and moves to one side, charging through the brush in a way that would be very difficult for a human to do. At one point it appears there is a long tail. There is sure to be a lot of argument on this, and I commend Steve for taking the trouble to acquire it, bring it forward, and to warn everyone that it is still under investigation. It's always better to err on the side of caution with these things, and it may turn out to be some known creature or even a different unknown creature than the Dogman. (It reminds me of the smaller animal known as the Devil Monkey as well). I await the final film analyses with great interest.

Steve Cook's website

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'The Biography Channel' Targets Mothman Mystery

POINT PLEASANT, W.Va. - Cameras are in Point Pleasant again to film about that popular red-eyed creature, Mothman.

The Biography Channel, a channel associated with A&E, began filming Wednesday for a new paranormal series that will feature the Mothman documentary as its pilot episode.

Filming will continue throughout the week, and on Saturday, starting in the late morning and continuing through much of the day, Main Street will be shut down. The crew intends to take the present Main Street back in time to 1966 while they film re-enactment scenes.

The street will be lined with vintage cars, and extras will be sporting clothing from the 1960s. Visitors are welcome to watch the filming as long as they do not interfere with the crew and cameras. Visitors also are asked to keep their distance as they watch and move all present-day cars off the street in order to fully transform Main Street to 1966.

Dave Porfiri, series producer, said they chose Mothman for their pilot episode because of its interesting and mysterious story.

“The Mothman is really intriguing to us. It is such a compelling story, especially when you talk face to face with the eye witnesses ... when you put a face with it, it has more of an impact, and that is what we are doing,” Porfiri said. “We are really glad we came here first.”

Porfiri is not new to paranormal documentaries - he has done a tremendous amount of work in dealing with paranormal subjects as well as ghosts.

“I find (paranormal subjects) endlessly fascinating,” he remarked.

In addition, he has done many other documentary television production in travel and historically-based pieces. Aside from the Biography Channel, Porfiri has worked with The Discovery Channel and National Geographic, to name a few.

Porfiri said he was excited for the new, currently unnamed paranormal series, and for the pilot episode, he is trying to make the Mothman legend come alive with a series of re-enactments and discussions with eyewitnesses.

In addition to the Main Street scene Saturday, the crew intends to turn Convention and Visitors Bureau chairman Denny Bellamy's backyard into a 1966 party, which will be a re-enactment of Dottie Campbell's UFO sighting on her street. The party extras also will be decked out in 1960s clothing in order to achieve the full effect of the time period.

Other re-enactments include the car chase that Tom Ury experienced in November 1966. Porfiri said they will be using vintage cars for the scene and will be filming in almost the exact location where Ury was chased, which was right outside the TNT area. A re-enactment of Faye Dewitt's experience, as well as Linda Scarberry's, also are in production plans.

Porfiri mentioned that the majority of actors and extras being used for re-enactment scenes were chosen from a casting call at the Ariel Theatre in Gallipolis.

“We had a great turnout at the casting call, and everyone that showed up was chosen to be an actor or an extra,” he added.

The Biography Channel crew plans to interview other eyewitnesses, such as Dewitt, in addition to Ury and Campbell.

The new series is expected to air in 2008, and in addition to the Mothman episode, Porfiri said the crew plans to do documentaries on other paranormal subjects, such as Bigfoot, UFOs and the Bermuda Triangle. The crew also might return to the area at a later time to film if the show ends up having a host, in which case additional filming with the host will be done.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Gogomain Swamp Cat Still a Mystery

For more than 30 years, talk of a mystery cat in the Eastern Upper Peninsula has fueled late-night campfires, breakfast-table buffets and the occasional smoke-filled barroom without any real solid proof of its existence.

In fact, the best piece of evidence came in 2001 when a local utility crew happened upon a skull while cutting trees on a parcel of property off of 15 Mile Road. Although it was eventually confirmed that the skull was that of a cougar - or mountain lion, depending on your preference - no other bones were found in a subsequent search, leading to speculation the skull may have been discarded at that location.

There have also been a number of press releases from the Michigan Wildlife Habitat Foundation - a group dedicated to validating the presence of mountain lions in Michigan - claiming to have collected scat, hair and DNA evidence from the central and western Upper Peninsula over the years.

The only real data gathered in our area has come from eye-witness accounts. Reports of a mystery cat have trickled in from a variety of sources, inlcuding: A Rudyard school teacher, a retired reporter for a national broadcasting firm, a former U.S. Air Force Colonel, an Evening News photographer and scads of other respectable, seemingly reliable individuals. Each story carried the same common thread - a quick sighting of a cat-like animal which left lasting impressions and little else in its wake.

But, that all changed with one click of the camera on Tuesday when another credible source, retired Michigan State Police Trooper and Post Commander Dan Inglis of American Legion Post #3 produced the first photographic image of a mountain lion with a trail-cam mounted on his South Fork Camp on the evening of Sept. 18.

“Everything about it looks like a cougar,” said Inglis, showcasing his digital photo on a large screen television.

“It's not a bobcat and it's not a lynx,” said Inglis, who has had experience with these animals. “I hunted bobcats as a kid; I know bobcats and I've seen lynx while up in Canada.”

Inglis said he had photographed his 86-pound black lab at the same location and, using that as a comparison, “this is bigger in every way.” He estimated the cat's weight at 90-100 pounds or more.

While somewhat surprised to catch the animal on his trail-cam, Inglis said he knew something like it was out in the Gogomain Swamp. He first made contact with the animal at a distance of approximately 75 feet during the opening day of deer season four years ago.

“It's just a beautiful animal,” he said describing it as a tannish color, “a Cougar color, with a smooth hide.”

Inglis also added he has seen tracks he could not identify on his property.

“They were too big for a coyote and not big enough for a wolf, but round - it couldn't be either one of them,” he said.

“I think it's great,” said Inglis expressing no concern regarding his discovery.

“It is one of the prettiest animals you will ever see,” he concluded. “ I'd sure rather see that out there than wolves.”

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Texas City Haunting Chronicled on TV

If you think of haunted houses as lots of fun, you’ve probably only experienced the annual, local imitations — those yearly efforts intended for charity that offer up harmless screams and preplanned thrills.

The odds are that you didn’t grow up dealing with the living nightmare of your own home being haunted. Darrell Gene Motal is an ordained Texas City minister who says his childhood residence near Blocker Middle School was just such a place: A real haunted house. Motal tells his story in both a book and a TV episode of the Discovery Channel series, “A Haunting.”

The trouble all began, he wrote in his book, “The Witch’s Son,” when his mom, Sandra Waldron, decided to invest herself in the practice of white magic. The book’s summary refers to Motal as “the paranormal preacher” and a “demonologist.” It states that he previously worked at the mysterious Area 51 — an area in southern Nevada at the center of UFO controversy — and then characterizes his mother as someone who sought to “destroy him with all the fury of a woman (whose Wiccan religion Motal) scorned.”

The two disagree on the cause of the manifestations, but not on their reality.

“Supernatural things did occur — things I would have never dreamed possible,” Waldron said of her former home in Texas City. She now lives in Seattle. “Gene feels that my interest in Wicca brought it on. I see things in a different light.”

She described the haunting itself as having the impact of a freight train. She said that she isn’t sure of the cause of the dark clouds, colored orbs and other phantasms that appeared to both her and her son.

“I might have accidentally opened a door,” she said.

Lisa Lacerta, a researcher at New Dominion Pictures, which filmed the “A Haunting” series, said no taping was actually done in Texas City. Instead, the broadcast will feature actors and sets that recreate events from the book. “Spellbound” will also include interviews with both Waldron and Motal.

The two have not screened “Spellbound,” nor seen the script. But Motal said while he expects the TV people to exercise some license with his story, he hopes the vivid essence of his violent experiences will be retained.

Anne Rothwell, series producer for “A Haunting,” said the story would be more about the mother and son than the house itself.

“We chose this story because it deviated from the formula,” she said. “So it is about a woman whose lack of experience with the occult gets her and her son into serious trouble.”

Rothwell also said the show was intended to be as accurate a depiction as possible of the events as Motal and Waldron had related them, within the constraints of a single hour of TV time.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Are There Thylacines In Victoria?

A private American cryptozoology team plans to visit Portland, Australia in the near future depending on permission by the Victorian government. The team includes several professional researchers who study extinct species, especially marsupials. They are bringing the latest in investigative equipment in order to capture Tasmanian tigers digitally. They also hope to collect physical evidence to prove that thylacines are indeed inhabiting the area.

Portland inhabitant Anthony Ersello said on June 12, 2006 that he observed in an intersection what "looked like a bit of a dog but [...] didn't really look like one." It had a pointed face and stripes, like the presumably extinct thylacines. Ersello attempted to photograph it with his cell phone but was unsuccessful.

Another person, who did not wish to be identified, claimed to have observed thylacines twice during the previous twelve months. This resident of Portland believes that thylacine pups have been seen, and that tigers cross farms on a regular basis.

The team senior staffer stated the possibility that thylacines had been released into Gippsland during the early part of the twentieth century. He cited a Wilsons Promontory 1912 management report.

But there is no confirming documentation that the animals were actually set free there.

The exact date of the expedition has yet to be released.

Here is a 2003 news report: Thyla seen near Melbourne CBD?

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Is Peru Meteorite a Signal the World is Coming to an End?

The Russians say the meteorite was a downed US war experiment containing radioative material. Others, including scientists, think the world as we know it will soon come to an end because we are under attack.

Something strange happened in Peru. A fiery object fell from the sky. Stunned residents said they tracked it to a fresh hole in the earth that was more than 60 feet wide, 15 feet deep, filled with boiling water and steaming with noxious fumes.

The local officials confirmed through tests that a “rocky meteorite” created the crater. But meteorite experts all around the world disagree.

Russians are calling it as an American space war experimentation that went out of control. Pu238 is used as a power source for new generation American military satellites, that much is true. And Pu238 can cause water to boil. It also glows. Locals said in the early reports that the crater was glowing.

Water was seen boiling in the crater. Pu238 also causes radiation sickness when it combines with dust and is inhaled. Many local doctors in Peru reported symptoms that sound like radiation sickness.

But something more happened. The crater has started shrinking. That is the strangest thing ever seen. It is not terrestrial technology that creates and shrinks a crater. It does not seem to be an American satellite knocked down by the American space war experimentation as claimed by Pravda.

According to many scientific think-tank, it is an extraterrestrial UFO that has entered the earth’s crust to establish bases below the continental crust. They normally use the ocean. But this is perhaps first time in modern history the UFO has entered the crust in front of all open eyes.

People saw a fiery ball that struck the ground with astonishing speed. Scientific think tanks now say this phenomenon will repeat again and again from now on. The Peruvian mystery crater is the start of new era that can see the end of the world, as we know it between year 2012 and 2030.

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Japanese Scientists Create Transparent Frogs

A research team led by professor Masayuki Sumida at Hiroshima University’s Institute for Amphibian Biology has created a type of transparent frog whose internal organs are visible through its skin. The researchers say the see-through frogs can help in the study of diseases and in the development of medical treatments by allowing laboratory scientists to check the status of internal organs and blood vessels while the frogs are alive and without having to dissect them.

According to Sumida, the transparent frog is the result of breeding two specimens of Japanese brown frog (Rana japonica) that had a genetic mutation giving them pale skin. By selectively breeding their offspring, the researchers were able to create a frog that remains transparent for its entire life cycle. Most of the world’s known transparent creatures live underwater, and transparent four-legged animals are extremely rare.

The researchers also say that by fusing the genes of fluorescent proteins to the frog’s genes, they can create frogs that glow. Glowing frogs can help scientists study specific “problem” genes by providing a real-time visual indication (i.e. the frogs glow) when those genes become active.

Professor Sumida says, “Transparent frogs will prove useful as laboratory animals because they make it easier and cheaper to observe the development and progress of cancer, the growth and aging of internal organs, and the effects of chemicals on organs.”

The results of the research will be announced at a meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan on September 22.

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Montana Wolf Mystery Revived, Officials Snare Second Hybrid Wolf

A mystery predator responsible for 12 sheep deaths in Eastern Montana last month could be connected to the dozens of similar attacks in late 2005 and early 2006, which some officials blame on a domestic hybrid species of wolf.

Montana’s top wolf official said this week that two suspicious animals remain on the loose in and near Garfield County following the sheep deaths in late August. A third animal killed in a coyote snare earlier this month has yet to be positively identified as wild or domestic.

“It’s a young female, charcoal gray in color,” said Carolyn Sime, wolf coordinator for Fish, Wildlife and Parks. “It looks like something we would see in the Northern Rockies, but I’ve also seen domestic wolves that look the same. It’s unclear what the origin is.”

The recent deaths revive last year’s furor in McCone and Garfield Counties over the 100-plus sheep slaughtered, and the subsequent hunt that ultimately left dead a domestic wolf, the product, officials believe, of manipulated breeding in captivity.

More than that, the frustration of stockmen, as Hal Herring wrote last year for NewWest.Net, was “not entirely directed at the creature itself (the stockmen here know full well how to handle that problem) but at the federal and state governments, at complex regulations imposed to protect an animal that they despise, and at a far-away society that seems to have lost all respect for them and their constant struggle to remain self-reliant, solvent, and on the land.” (Click here for the first installment of Hal’s March 2006 story, here for the second.)

Sime said the dead wolf does not match the description of either animal spotted by USDA wildlife service officials on August 22 as they searched for the predators from an airplane. One of those animals was brown, the other was gray. Both were spotted within two miles of the most recent sheep attacks near Jordan.

“The brown color is a flyer that something is not right,” said Sime. “The one last year was brown as well.”

Officials authorized the USDA to kill both of the spotted wolves, but ended up catching the third unidentified wolf species instead. Sime said it’s possible that one or both of the wolves that remain on the loose are domestic. “It’s unusual for wolves to disperse as groups,” she said. “It could be a combination of captive and wild animals.”

Sime said wolf sightings of the last month could be an extension of events from late 2005 and early 2006, but admitted that the agency remains somewhat baffled by the new case. There have been no sightings in vicinity of Jordan since Labor Day weekend.

And the mystery of the Creature of McCone County continues.

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Friday, September 21, 2007

Spectre of Girl Caught on Video in Colombia

A group investigating reports of paranormal activity at a public park in Cúcuta, Colombia captured on video an apparition of a girl moving through the park. The girl is said to have been in her early teens and believed to have died near the area many years ago. The story aired on Colombian TV Network RCN on 6/26/07.

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For Rent: The Haunted Castle of Oldenburg Princess

The right for long-term rent of Castle of Oldenburg Princess of the 19th century – one of the main sightseeing sites of the Voronezh Region of Russia – has been put out for tender.

According to psychics and ufologists, the Castle of Oldenburg Princess is not only a sightseeing site but also an anomalous zone with strong paranormal activity: it is known that here people often fall down in a faint; rats, mice, and flies do not dwell in the castle, and besides, tourists mark sudden and frequent camera breakages.

In 1879 this estate near the Russian city of Voronezh was a wedding present of the emperor Alexander II to granddaughter of Nicolas I Grand Duchess Eugenya Romanova (married name Oldenburg). The Princess used to visit the castle very often.

After 1917 the castle’s owner migrated to France. The new Russian authorities used the building as a school, then as hospital and library. 30 years ago the building was admitted to be no longer suitable for exploitation.

Now the region’s administration hopes that a new investor will restore the castle and the nearby park and make it the main sightseeing of the Voronezh Region.

Earlier the press wrote that Prince Michael of Kent (great grandson of the Russian Tsar Alexander II) wanted to purchase the castle while being on their visit to Voronezh in spring 2007. However, Prince was refused as the local authorities explained that the castle was registered as federal property and therefore could not be sold.

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'Superman' Seen In The Skies Of Romania!

Police are investigating after villagers in Romania claimed to see a Superman-like figure flying through the sky. Almost 20 villagers, from Gemeni, Mehedinti county, claim the UFO was wearing a shiny blue suit, just like Superman’s. Police officers took written statements from all of the witnesses and say they described the figure in the same way.

Local policeman Ion Anuta said: “We talked to people of different ages who are all reliable citizens in our village. They all said they saw this strange creature who flew over their houses in his shiny blue costume. We’ll just have to see what happens next.”

Villager Constantin Toader, 41, said: “He looked like Superman and was flying slowly at about 100 yards from the ground in a standing position. He didn’t make any smoke or sound. Just cruising around.”

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Cigar Shaped UFO Filmed Over Oahu

Earlier this year Hawaii residents and surfers saw a cigar shaped object that looked like "two little fireballs" over Kewalo Basin and Ala Moana Beach Park on Oahu's South Shore. Both the National Weather Service and the FAA could not explain away the sighting, which is when many locals began speculating about the origin of the object. Aliens? Spaceships?

Hawaii scientists appear to think a simple contrail is the most plausible explanation. Since the air is very cold at high altitudes, as a jetliner flies by the water left behind condenses and these drops stay behind the craft for quite some time before they evaporate, forming what looks a lot like a stream of smoke or fire. Furthermore, the Hawaii professor who explained away this incident took a back handed slap at UFO enthusiasts saying:

Some people just think differently from scientists and they like to look for the fanciest, most exciting explanation. Those people like to think this is little green men. I think that is very unlikely.

Apparently this isn't the first time Oahu has been visited by this mysterious visual. You can always head to Kewalo Basin at sunset yourself and hope to catch a glimpse with your own eyes. But bring your surfboard, that way even if you don't see the object in question you can at least hit the swell.

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Amazing Flying Disk Filmed Over Southern California

Disk shaped UFO with rotating and flashing colored lights filmed over Southern California.

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New UFO Video Over Lake Erie

Michael Lee Hill has posted new UFO video, shot over Lake Erie and similar to his initial video which has been seen on Fox News, CBS and several major paranormal websites. Hill's previous video has also appeared in UFO's Unplugged with Dan Aykroyd and David Sereda's film "From Here to Andromeda".

Flashing orbs over Lake Erie 9-18-2007
The first video is probably the best of the four.

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'Best Of Bigfoot' Compilation With Dr. Jane Goodall

Family Claims Thornton Close Home is Haunted

A mum and her daughter are set to be moved by a housing trust after claiming they are being terrorised by spooks in their home.

Mum-of-three Veronica Loosemore and her youngest daughter, Zoe, 12, from Thornton Close, Horley, say they are plagued by sinister shadows and eerie images on the walls.

Veronica said: "I see wolves, monks and a woman's face with lots of make-up and a disgusting grin. She appears on the living room wall and at the kitchen window, and there's always weird shadows in the flat."

The 55-year-old, who has lived in the 1970s-built ground floor flat for two years, added: "The living room clock has no batteries in it, but the other night it started to tick and the pendulum was swinging violently from side to side."

The petrified pair contacted the Raven Housing Trust after paper crucifixes on the walls proved no defence from the spectral sightings.

A vicar's blessing also failed to reassure them and they have been staying with her middle daughter Laura, 22, in Langshott, Horley, until a new home can be found.

Sue Young, Horley neighbourhood manager for the housing trust, said: "The family are now quite high up on our transfer list and Mrs Loosemore left our office in high spirits saying she was off to see a Catholic priest.

"We have people coming to us with all sorts of reasons why they want to move,but this was a first for me.

"The whole block was built in 1970 and the previous tenant was there for 22 years without any problems like this."

The family have been so scared by the supernatural spate that they enlisted the help of the Rev Steve Davie, of St Bartholomew's Church, Horley, who is sympathetic to the family's concerns.

He said: "I went to their flat last week to pray with them.

"They're not sensationalist people and it's obvious they are very distressed and are living in some degree of fear.

"I don't think this is an attempt to pervert the housing system. These people are genuinely afraid."

The family have also had psychics and mediums visit since their troubles started in efforts to expel the evil spirits.

Laura said: "When the woman came to visit she told us she had exorcised three spirits from the flat, but there are still strange shadows that appear on the walls.

"I was always a total sceptic before this all happened.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I'm convinced there's something not-of-this-world happening inside the flat."

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Woman of Gray's Mill

Some of Maryland’s most interesting history occurred along the Pataspco River. From Parr’s Spring to Elkridge, the river valley’s geography goes from a cold piedmont stream to a rugged, rocky gorge into a coastal plain. Many of my investigations have been in locations closely related to the river. Many paranormal investigators have concentrated on locales around Ellicott City. I like to dive deeper into the Pataspco River’s haunted history.

This investigation took place in August 1984 in a location ½ mile downstream from the Frederick Rd. bridge at Ellicott City on River Rd. River Rd. veers right from Frederick Rd. and descends to the river bank. As soon as the road levels, about 400 ft. from the turn, you will see the back wall of an old building against the hillside. Above this wall is a BG&E sub-station (on Frederick Rd.). This property is also owned by BG&E, though at the time of this investigation there was more building structure and the area was accessible to most anyone.

This area is known as Gray’s Mill. It was originally a Methodist Church later enlarged and fitted as a paper mill. In fact, it was advertised in 1807 as the “largest paper mill in the U.S.”. Edward Gray and other investors soon purchased the mill and transformed it into a major cotton duck plant. After a major fire, Gray rebuilt the plant into the largest cotton cloth mills in the U.S. and named it the Patapsco Manufacturing Company.

Gray built a large mansion adjacent to the mill where he and his wife and daughters lived happily for many years. In 1829, Gray’s daughter Elizabeth married John Pendleton Kennedy and the couple lived together in the mansion. Kennedy was a well known writer and lawyer in Baltimore who had reached the pinnacle of social status at a fairly young age. He entered politics and was elected to Congress and later was appointed Secretary of the Navy under President Millard Fillmore. The list of guests and friends who visited and stayed at his home was astounding. Edgar Allen Poe, James Fennimore Cooper, Washington Irving, Charles Dickens, Andrew Jackson, Commodore Perry, James Madison, Francis Scott Key and many more important writers and statesmen spent time at this mansion.

Kennedy’s library was said to be the most impressive private library in the country containing many European first editions and works of famous friends that were never published. As well, Kennedy had a spectacular garden and grove. Washington Irving was known to spend many evenings sitting among the trees gazing onto the river. Elizabeth Kennedy would stand on the river bank and wave an American flag as the Union soldiers would hoot and holler from the train on the west bank of the river heading for Baltimore. All this would change in 1868 when the flood of the century swept through the valley and washed most of the mansion and contents away. The Kennedy’s were devastated and forced to move from their beloved valley.

For several years, I had been told about strange lights and mists that eminated from the mansion area onto River Rd. at night. For many years previous, the river bank was a hangout spot for local kids until the state built mounds and barriers on the riverbank that blocked cars from parking. The sightings began after the parking areas were removed and the area was quiet in the evening hours. I had personally noticed fog in this area because it is swampy and there is a small drainage stream that flows through the location. I decided to investigate on a night when there would be minimal traffic on River Rd. (namely when the mill down river was shutdown).

I received permission to park my car on a small private lot on Frederick Rd. and walked down River Rd. to the Gray’s Mill location. A friend who had worked with me previously accompanied me to the site. We decided to walk around the grounds as best we could and see if we could observe any activity. We started at 7:30 pm and used the remaining light to get our bearings to which areas of the site we would concentrate. The weather was very warm and humid in the mid 80’s and clear.

I decided we would stick together because of the swampy terrain. We setup along the mansion remnants that included large pieces of granite strewn randomly. There is a small part of the back wall remaining, so we sat there and waited. As dusk came, the area comes alive with “peepers”, small frogs singing in the moonlight. Behind the wall is a high bank that extends up towards “9 Mile Hill” onto Frederick Rd. We could barely hear the traffic on the main road above and behind us. It was very peaceful as the river rippled through the valley and the moonlight bounced off the water provided dancing lights against the opposite bank.

Around 10:30 pm, we heard sounds on the hill directly behind us. I figured it was a raccoon or a possum looking for a meal. After a couple of minutes, I heard a rustling in the high weeds to our left and could see movement. I pointed the flashlight towards the area and noticed nothing. As soon as I turned the flashlight off, I sensed a presence of something. My friend suddenly commented that he felt a chill sweep by his right ear. The being I sensed was definitely that of a woman. She seemed to be playing and happy and was definitely enjoying herself. I sensed that she was possibly a visiting spirit. I asked her to give us a sign of her presence. My spirit guide was with me and indicated that this woman’s name was Katherine. I sensed a vortex or portal was somewhere near the wall though an exact location eluded me. There were several cold spots along the wall but none had the energy normally associated with a vortex. Her presence continued for another half hour. I tried to get an indication from this spirit if she was aware we were present. I walked around to see if I could get a better gauge of the presence. The best sign we could get was an occasional sweeping sound in the high grass.

This activity continued past midnight until we noticed a scent of honeysuckle. There were no honeysuckle bushes in the area and the scent was getting very strong, almost to the point of being sickening. Then we saw her! Directly in front of us at a distance of about 20 yards we noticed the misty shape of a woman with blonde or gray hair in a light blue dress moving left to right then proceeding towards the road. Then she would move back towards us. It was a very strange sight because it seemed she would “light up” occasionally revealing her facial features and hair. We watched this for a few minutes when I decided to try to communicate. I slowly got to my feet and walked towards her. I stopped and watched her move around me when suddenly she started moving towards me. Instantly, I was hit in the face with that sickly honeysuckle scent, this time it made my eyes and nose burn. I tried to look around me but could not see nor sense her. My eyesight was blurry and I was very uncomfortable. My partner said she moved off towards the road and he lost sight of her. I then realized that I should have restrained from making physical contact. This could have easily been a serious situation if this spirit was malevolent and, frankly, I know better. All indications are that this was a visiting spectre and that there was no residual haunting, at least by this spirit. We waited for another ½ hour but noticed nothing further. Frankly, that odor of honeysuckles was still on me and I was ready to get home wash it off. One interesting side note, when I did get home my wife thought I was crazy because she did not notice any scent of honeysuckles.

I have checked the name “Katherine” for many years and the best I can speculate is that Katherine was either a guest or friend of the Gray or Kennedy family who is drawn to this location. I never received any indications of sorrow or evil from her while she visited us that August evening. It’s too bad that this is not the case with most of the phantoms I have contact with.

Investigation Report: Lon Strickler (1984)

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Does Photo Reveal a Ghost?

A supernatural investigator says he is convinced the man in this spooky photograph is the ghost of a Croydon butcher who died years before the picture was taken.

According to paranormal enthusiast Malcolm Robinson, the image turned up in a roll of film developed after a house party in Tamworth Road in either October 1979 or October 1980.

The man in the picture was the only guest' the hostess did not recognise and, after showing it to a neighbour, she is said to have discovered the image was of a dead butcher who had previously lived in the house.

Malcolm, who founded Strange Phenomena Investigations, has been looking into the picture's origins since he was given it in August.

He said: "It wasn't until the lady got the photographs developed that she realised she didn't know who the person in the photograph was. The whole spool had been taken in the house, so it wasn't a photograph from an earlier day.

"She showed the photograph to numerous people who had been at the party, and not one of them recognised this chap. It wasn't until the lady showed the photograph to her next door neighbour, that he remarked, Oh that's old Norman Smithenbottom, he's been dead for years'.

"The elderly gentleman said he used to be a local butcher who had previously lived in her house."

The address where the picture is alleged to have been taken - 83 Tamworth Road - has since been demolished to make way for the Centrale development.

It was formerly a six-storey Victorian house which had old servant bells downstairs and horse stables at the back.

Malcolm added: "I've been doing this sort of thing for 25 years and you get to know when people are trying to pull the wool over your eyes. I'm convinced of her sincerity.

"We know his name is Norman Smithenbottom and that he was a butcher, but not much else. We would like to ask your readers - particularly your older readers - if they have any information."

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Actual Debris From Roswell Crash Site

Video on actual debris from the Roswell spacecraft that crash landed in 1947.

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Peru Meteorite 'Causes Mystery Illness'

A meteorite has struck a remote part of Peru and carved a large crater that is emitting noxious odours and making villagers ill, according to local press reports.

A fireball streaked across the Andean sky late on Saturday night and crashed into a field near Carancas, a sparsely populated highland wilderness near Lake Titicaca on the border with Bolivia, witnesses said.

The orange streak and loud bang were initially thought to be a plane crashing. When farmers went to investigate, however, they found a crater at least 10m wide and 5m deep, but no sign of wreckage

The soil around the hole appeared to be scorched and there was a "strange odour", a local health department official, Jorge López, told Peru's RPP radio.
Later the farmers complained of headaches and vomiting. Police who went to investigate the crater were also stricken with nausea, prompting authorities to dispatch a medical team that reached the site today.

"The odour is strong and it's affecting nearby communities. There are 500 families close by and they have had symptoms of nausea, vomiting, digestive problems and general sickness," said Mr López.

At least 12 people were treated in addition to seven police officers who required oxygen masks and rehydration.

The farmers expressed fears that what appeared to be chunks of lead and silver around the site could contaminate the soil.

A member of the National Academy of Sciences, Modesto Montoya, told the state press agency that a fallen meteorite did not present any danger unless it hit some structure on impact.

"None of the meteorites that fall in Peru and make perforations of varied sizes are harmful for people, unless they fall on a house," he said. Another meteorite fell to Earth in Arequipa province in June.

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UFO Mystery in Cadillac, Michigan

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Or, is it from another world.

Whether or not the “disk-shape” and “slender rectangular” objects in Dave Dunford’s photos are UFOs, they sure are strange.

“I can’t say they’re being piloted by little green men, but they’re UFOs,” said Dunford of Cadillac. “I saw what I saw — they’re unidentified, they’re flying and they’re objects.”

The sighting

Dunford was photographing the Cadillac sky on Aug. 27 at about 8:30 p.m. near his residence in Pheasant Ridge. The self-proclaimed amateur photographer was taking pictures of planes and the clear blue sky for his self described “deviant art” Web site — and that’s when he had his first sighting.

“When I brought my camera down, I noticed something strange and silvery in the sky,” he said. “There had been several planes in the air, and all had vapor trails. This one had no vapor trail and, unlike the planes, it made no sound. … It also wasn’t a blimp because there was no platform for people to stand on.”

Dunford quickly shot a few frames of the silver object and ran inside his home to tell his family to come outside. He was in-and-out of his house in less than 10 seconds, but when he returned outdoors, the object was out of sight, he said.

A little disappointed, Dunford downloaded the pictures to his computer to see what his digital photos would reveal.

“I didn’t get as clear of shots as I wanted to, but you could definitely see the object and tell it wasn’t a plane or blimp,” he said of his zoomed-in photos.

Dunford’s finger then slipped on the touchpad of his laptop, and he was “shocked” to discover “three dark objects” in the sky above the silver UFO.

These three dark objects were not visible to Dunford when he was outside, but his 4.0 megapixel camera picked up the images and he was able to see them in an enlarged photo.

“The three dark objects do not appear in any of the other pictures, even though the shots were all within about a minute of one another,” he said, noting that the objects must have been in motion.

After sharing his photos with some relatives, Dunford’s anonymous relative decided to zoom-in on some of her own pictures, which were taken near Mitchell Street in July 2006. Dunford calls the dark, disk-shaped object in his relative’s photos, “one of the best pictures of a UFO that I’ve ever seen — it’s just amazing.”

According to Dunford, he considers all other rational options before deciding that the objects are UFOs.

“I try to debunk my own beliefs before I say anything about it,” he said. “Before I say anything, I’ll do anything to make sure it’s something to look into.”

Dunford said he’s taken numerous photos of planes and birds, so he knows what to look for in a picture when trying to identify an object in a photo. He’s also said he’s taken pictures with dust on his camera, so he knows what dust looks like compared to UFOs. And in the zoomed-in photos, he looks for 3-dimensional objects, light reflecting off the surface, shadows being cast, a differentiation in color and a “halo” glow in order to deem the images possible UFOs.

If you wonder why you’ve never seen a UFO, Dunford would simply tell you, “You probably have.”

“I see (UFOs) because I look,” he said, noting that most people don’t notice the world around them. “Most peoples’ minds want to make associations with things that they already know about. The subconscious doesn’t like to think outside the box and will try and put it (objects) into something rational — like it could be a plane, blimp or bird. … I had to look at it (objects) and think, ‘Wait a minute.’ It took a conscious effort to say, ‘That’s not what I think it is.’”

The expert’s opinion

Cadillac News submitted four of what Dunford thought were the best photos to National UFO Reporting Center’s Web site in order to get another opinion on whether the objects in Dunford’s pictures are UFOs. Two of the four photos that were the least blurry were published with this article.

Peter Davenport, director of National UFO Reporting center said he inspected the four photos, and said, “none of them, in my opinion, is a photo of a genuine UFO.”

“Despite the photographer’s apparent belief that he has ‘UFO’s’ on film, I don’t think the data provided allow a serious-minded investigator to make that conclusion,” said Davenport, who is more focused on UFOs in terms of alien aircraft.

Davenport said the photo taken near Mitchell Street “clearly is a bird … with its wings extended.” In the photo of a silver, shiny object, Davenport said it’s not a genuine UFO craft from another world and noted “it’s blurry, it’s too far away in distance, and it’s indistinct.” He also stated that Dunford’s photo of “three dark objects” is too blurry to gather enough information to determine that they are alien aircraft.

Noting that photos of genuine alien craft are “extremely rare,” Davenport estimated that one out of every 1,000 photos sent to his center is a genuine UFO photo.

“I have seen probably not more that half a dozen (photos of genuine UFOs) in the 13 years that I have served as director of the National UFO Reporting Center,” he said.

While there is no one test for deciding whether an object is a UFO, Davenport holds strong to his belief that the Dunford’s photographs are not genuine UFOs.

“There’s no test that is definitive,” he said. “I cannot certify that they are not UFOs … but in the final analysis I assume they are not.”

Airport and police report

In some of Dunford’s photographs — whether they were UFOs or not — there were clearly objects in the sky.

If the objects were planes, John Jenkins, airport attendant at Wexford County Airport, said it could simply be the case that planes were in the air, but weren’t logged on Aug. 27; he also noted that no UFOs were reported on that date.

The only thing Cadillac’s airport would’ve tracked is if a plane had radioed the airport or if a plane landed at the airport and checked-in, Jenkins said. Pilots are not required to check-in at the Cadillac airport, and if it was after 5 p.m., there are no employees there to witness whether a pilot had landed and checked-in their plane, Jenkins added.

The operations manager of Minneapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center, whose traffic control center supervises Wexford County Airport, also said nobody at his station remembers anything about planes or UFOs being logged on that day; normally pilots won’t log anything “because it’s paper, and he’s not required to,” he said.

Elizabeth Cory, spokeswoman for Federal Aviation Administration, said there haven’t been any recent unusual sightings near the Cadillac area. But with 6,000 planes flying over the U.S. at a given time, she said the sky gets pretty congested.

“There’s going to be aircraft at any given time flying over your (Cadillac’s) area, and they’re not always logged,” said Cory, referring to the notion that the objects may simply be planes that haven’t been logged.

And according to Jenkins, the silver, shiny rectangular object Dunford saw could’ve been a low-flying plane.

Planes that fly at very high altitudes will leave vapor trails because the air is colder at higher elevations and the exhaust from the plane is hot, which creates the vapor trail, Jenkins said. However, if a plane is flying closer to the earth, the plane may not have a vapor trail, because the air temperature is warmer. Jenkins also added, “it’s not unusual for a plane not to make a lot of noise.”

Wexford County Sheriff Gary Finstrom said there were no reports regarding UFO sightings in Cadillac’s area on Aug. 27; Finstrom also has been an officer for 30 years and does not recall any reports of UFO sightings in the area. Michigan State Police Sgt. Sergeant Michael Salasky also said he didn’t receive any reports regarding sightings on Aug. 27; Salasky also has no knowledge of reported UFO sightings while he’s been in office for the past 20 years.

If there are aliens manning saucers in Cadillac’s sky, it seems they’re just like their buddy E.T. and want to go home, because police and traffic control centers in our area have not recently logged any UFO sightings.

But while there may not be any official documents of UFOs in our area, National UFO Reporting Center’s Web site shows there has been 1,080 reported sightings in Michigan to this date. With a total of 1,080 reported sightings, Michigan is currently ranked No. 10 out of a total of 69 states and provinces in North America. According to the Web site there have been nine sightings in the greater Cadillac area; the most recent sighting in our area was in Evart on approximately Aug. 27, 2006 at 1 a.m. two miles from M-115 on M-66 northeast of Evart. The report detailed a person witnessing an object that looked like a satellite, which turned very bright then went out of sight.

If any aliens are reading this, Dunford has a message for you.

“Come closer, I want a better shot of you!” he said.

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Czech Crash Victim Wakes Up Speaking English

A Czech speedway driver knocked unconscious in a crash stunned ambulance drivers when he woke up speaking perfect English.

18-year-old Matej Kus was out cold for 45 minutes after the crash, but when he woke up he conversed fluidly in English with paramedics, even speaking in an English accent.

The teenager had just begun to study the language and his skills were described by friends and team-mates as “basic at best”.

Peter Waite, the promoter for Kus's team, the Berwick Bandits, told the Daily Mail: "I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"It was in a really clear English accent, no dialect or anything. Whatever happened in the crash must have rearranged things in his head.

"Before his crash Matej's use of the English language was broken, to put it mildly.

"He was only just making a start on improving it and struggled to be understood, but was keen to learn.

"Yet here we were at the ambulance door listening to Matej talking to the medical staff in perfect English.

"Matej didn't have a clue who or where he was when he came round. He didn't even know he was Czech.

"It was unbelievable to hear him talk in unbroken English."

Unfortunately, the speedway driver's new found skills didn’t last and he remembers nothing of the accident or the following two days. He is now keen pursue studies in English.

He told the Daily Mail, through an interpreter: "It's unbelievable that I was speaking English like that, especially without an accent.

"Hopefully I can pick English up over the winter for the start of next season so I'll be able to speak it without someone having to hit me over the head first.

"There must be plenty of the English language in my subconscious so hopefully I'll be able to pick it up quickly next time."

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Pterodactyl: Eyewitness Account

In 1944, in (Papua) New Guinea, Duane Hodgkinson and his friend saw a "pterodactyl" with a wingspan similar to a Piper Tri-Pacer (29 feet).

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Ghost Hunters Search Library For 'Miss Elizabeth'

Most people go to the library for a book; others go for a spook.

A group of six "paranormal investigators" visited the Hall County Library after hours on Friday to make contact with its ghost-in-residence. The group, which calls itself The Paranormal Science Investigations Network, travels around the area on the weekends looking to make contact with those on the "other side."

They came to the library after one of the investigators, Sherri Scaniffe, had heard about the Hall County Library ghost on the Internet.

Gail Hogan, who has worked at the library since 1990, said she's become friendly with the library ghost and calls her "Miss Elizabeth." Hogan said she greets the ghost in the morning, and says "Miss Elizabeth" has been known to turn the water back on after employees have finished washing their hands, and that she likes to play with the lights.

"I think she has a sense of humor," Hogan said.

About 7:30 p.m., the investigators arrived at the library with their equipment -- a few digital recorders, digital cameras, motion detectors and Trifield meters (meters that detect changes in electromagnetic fields) -- and set up shop.

They split up into two groups: One went upstairs and the other stayed downstairs.

Each group followed a similar procedure.

After walking through the library, the investigators went to the spots where they said they sensed paranormal activity and conducted EVP (electronic voice phenomena) sessions. In the EVP sessions, all the investigators would turn on their recorders and one person would ask questions like "What's your name?" "How old are you?" and "Are you married?", hoping for a response.

When the group did not get any concrete evidence of the ghost's presence, they moved on to another location. Dusty Ellison, one of the investigators, took pictures with his digital camera in hopes that maybe the library ghost would show up in some of the pictures.

Ellison said that sometimes the camera would pick up orbs of light that some people explain as balls of energy. Others explain the orbs of light as particles of dust that the camera's flash caught, or flying insects.

As Hogan and two of the investigators, Michelle Babiarz and Ellison, were trying to summon the ghost in the upstairs portion of the library, a hallway light turned off and immediately came back on a couple of minutes after Hogan requested that "Miss Elizabeth" turn on a light.

Hogan said the light was set on a timer to turn off, but not to come back on.

Babiarz, a co-founder of The Paranormal Science Investigations Network, said that her first instinct is to try and explain any seemingly "paranormal" activity with something concrete and rational, such as looking for a creaking fan to explain a noise.

"We're all skeptics," Babiarz said. "That's our job."

With or without their skepticism, nobody could explain the two fallen books on the floor in the children's reading area. One of them, "The Serpent Slayer," lay about three feet from its place on the shelf. No one had remembered seeing it in the earlier walk-throughs of the building.

The group wrapped up at the library around 11 p.m., but that's not the end of the investigation of the library ghost. They will review their recordings for voices and sounds, electric voice phenomena that may have been there but were not audible at the time.

For now, though, the Hall County Library's unexplained "visitor" will stay that way.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Alien Encounter Disclosed...More Contact Expected

Jim Moroney says he has encountered aliens, and some day, you may too.

Moroney, a speaker at the Telus World of Science's UFO conference, says he made "contact" in August 1987.

"It took a long time for me to come to terms with it. It's not something I like to talk about, really," Moroney told an audience of more than 150 people at the science centre Saturday.

The conference marked the 60th anniversary of the alleged UFO crash in Roswell, N.M., in 1947.

The two-day event featured a lineup of experts and researchers assembled to start a scientific-based discussion on the probability of life beyond Earth.

Among the speakers were nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman, who investigated the Roswell incident, and Dr. Jaymie Matthews, an associate professor of astronomy at the University of British Columbia. Matthews is currently investigating planets beyond the solar system.

Moroney, 47, is the executive director of the Alberta UFO Study Group. He has been studying UFOs and the alien-abduction phenomenon for 20 years.

Moroney told the crowd that the current generation will be the one to become fully aware of the presence of extra-terrestrials.

The presence of aliens is real, he said, and so-called "abductions" of normal citizens are of a benevolent nature.

"I'm trying to characterize that it's a loving, guiding experience, but that it's also extraordinarily difficult," Moroney said.

"It's that difficulty that I think people are sometimes focusing on, rather than the other aspects.

"Certainly, there are a lot of misconceptions around what's actually happening."

Moroney also said he doesn't remember much of the events that took place. He was driving the night he made contact, he said.

He recalled losing time and feeling paralyzed.

He later underwent hypnosis therapy to dig up memories of the event.

Moroney's speech had some UFO enthusiasts asking themselves if they could also have been in contact with extraterrestrials without being aware of it.

"The fact that we may not have any conscious awareness of being visited, or being an abductee, is an interesting thought," said Michael Nelson, 55, who was one of many attending the conference out of curiosity.

"I wonder if it's happened to me, if it's happened to you, and that we just can't remember it.

"I'm sure they're here and, like what Jim said, I'm thinking that they're not here to hurt us in any way.

"Good always overcomes evil."

Others at the conference were more interested in the scientific aspects -- space travel, alien technology and advancements in astronomy.

Some didn't subscribe to Moroney's theories.

"UFOs are as probable as the reality of Atlantis, which is slightly less probable than Bigfoot being real," said John Roesch, 44.

Roesch, a director of corporate planning for the City of Edmonton, is finishing a master's degree in engineering management.

The self-described skeptic attended the conference to learn more about astrophysics.

He also discussed theories about life elsewhere in the universe.

Moroney, meanwhile, said several aspects of the UFO phenomenon still puzzle him.

"I'm skeptical," he said. "I'm one of the biggest skeptics around, honestly.

"There's lots of stuff about the UFO field that I don't believe, right? It's just too far out there.

"That's why I have a lot of compassion for those people who still are skeptical about the subject. Why shouldn't they be?"

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Poltergeist Forces Family to Flee Home

A poltergeist that has forced a terrified Carlisle family to flee their home is to be "cleansed" by a vicar.

Spooky happenings prompted Allison Marshall, 27, to bundle her family out of the house in Mardale Road, Raffles, in the middle of the night.

Carlisle Housing Association, which owns the property, has now arranged for a priest to step in and end the family's nightmare.

Allison and children Rebecca, three, Emily, four, Shannon, seven, and Aaron, eight, enduring a series of bizarre happenings at the house that has been her home for four years.

She and her children are now staying with her mother Lesley Whitewick, 46.

The drama began last week with a catalogue of inexplicable happenings, which included household objects hurtling around the room and sudden and unexplained drops in the temperature in the house.

They continued with the mysterious appearance of a skull image in a picture frame in a glass display cabinet and disturbing noises in the dead of night, including a child sobbing.

A family friend called in a clairvoyant, who claimed he saw the image of a child in a dressing gown.

Allison said: "I don't really want to leave the house so it would be better if they could do something to sort it out and get this thing out of my house. If they can't get rid of it I'll have to move."

In a statement, Carlisle Housing Association said: "Carlisle Housing Association takes any situation which is causing distress to its tenants seriously and will offer support and assistance where it can.

"Two members of CHA Housing Management team visited the tenant on Monday morning to assess the situation and also arranged for the local vicar to contact her separately.

"We appreciate the distress Miss Marshall has voiced and will continue to offer her our support."

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Pig In Sheep's Clothing?

Meet the world’s first sheep-hog — a PIG with its own FLEECE.

Scientists are baffled by the strange swine — which they say is a pig “at heart” but with a woolly hide.

The one-year-old is being raised on a ranch near the town of Esquina, 400 miles north of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

It was a gift to owner Felipe Olivetti from a neighbouring farm.

He admitted: “Experts have told us it is unique.

“It is a pig but has a thick fleece which needs shearing in summer with the other sheep because it suffers in the heat. Other pigs do not trust it.”

Local farmers claim it could be the perfect animal. Neighbour Catriona Martez said: “Bacon and fleece all in one animal! If only there were more like it.”

Livestock expert Prof Hector Rebechisi said: “I examined it and if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it. Hopefully we can do some tests to find out why it has a fleece.”

It reminded some of Spider-Pig from The Simpsons Movie — which was a porker adopted by Homer Simpson, who adapted the Spider-Man theme song in tribute.

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Strange 'Fireball' Filmed Over New Mexico

Fireball Over New Mexico - Click for Full Video

On Sept 13th at approximately 3 o'clock in the morning MDT, an extremely bright fireball streaked over New Mexico, "It was terrifying," says eyewitness Susan K. Burgess. "I was stargazing outside my house near Santa Fe when the landscape started becoming very bright, as if a brilliant full moon was quickly rising from the southwest. The fireball itself [slowly moved] over the house and disintegrated with a great deal of scatter in the northwest sky."

Based on data from the video, the visual magnitude of the fireball was -14.6, about four times brighter than a full Moon!

"The fireball was a pure emerald green, uncomfortably bright to look at," adds Harald Edens located in the Magdalena Mountains west of Socorro, NM. "The object was disintegrating when I saw it, with pieces parallel-tracking and trailing the fireball. Those smaller pieces had all different colors--most notably red. I think it has been a piece of space junk."

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Australia Big Cat Suspected In Foal Death

Discovery of the bones in a Geelong district paddock the morning after the kill has horrified the horse's owner and dramatically sharpened speculation that big cats are alive and feeding on bush fringes.

Farmers accustomed to finding killed sheep in paddocks are disturbed by the turn to a new prey and by the almost total consumption of the foal's flesh, skin and organs.

They have all but discounted wild dogs as the predators because they habitually leave mess and they believe deep gouge marks on the horse's leg bones are the work of powerful feline teeth or claws.

The Geelong Advertiser is not naming the location of the kill to protect district people from invasion by others hoping to see or kill a big cat.

Barwon Equine Hospital partner Dr Kylie Splatt inspected the bones in the paddock soon after they were discovered last week.

``It was certainly a very clean kill,'' Dr Splatt said.

``All the muscle and soft tissue went and bones were intact, everything else was stripped away.

``One of the vets from the zoo said they had seen something like that with a pack of dogs but then again if it was a pack of dogs would the mare have scared them away?

``Usually, very protective mares can send off most predators.

``This is strange and a concern. Certainly if it was alive and taken like that, this is a very clever predator.''

Dr Splatt said the foal's neck bones appeared intact but she was unable to tell if the spinal cord had been damaged.

She urged stock owners to be vigilant.

``We always advise people if mares are foaling down to check them regularly and have them somewhere safe,'' Dr Splatt said.

``But I'm not saying that this foal was not somewhere safe.''

She said district farmers had spoken of losing stock to big cats.

``Certainly it's a concern but I guess reports of it . . . until you see the actual creature and until it is proven, we'll remain open minded.''

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Were UFO's Involved in Ukraine Air Show Crash?

In 2002, an air show at the Sknilov Aerodrome in the Ukraine suddenly went chaotic. Two UFO's were seen and captured on film just moments before the jet crashed. The video seems to support a theory that these objects either had some influence in the crash or made an attempt to help the aircraft.

"The hypothesis that the UFO could have accidentally influenced the aircraft's stability is not totally excluded? The plane appeared to stall, and the UFO may have tried to save it, or the UFO's momentum may have helped cause the stall as the object crossed planes course. High ranking officials have denied the existence of the UFO despite it being clearly visible on the video." (George A. Filer, Director Mutual UFO Network Eastern)

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Fossett Search Yields Several Clues to Mysteries

Search crews looking for missing pilot Steve Fossett have had their hopes dashed at least six times as they come across wreckage from other small planes that had previously been undiscovered.

But this has rekindled hopes that light may now be shed on the fate of some of those who have disappeared while flying over one of the most barren corners of the United States.

Kim Toulouse, a spokesman for the Nevada Department of Wildlife, described the empty valleys being scoured for the millionaire adventurer as an aviation "graveyard".

We're finding them left and right," he said. "The technology we have today is allowing us to find this stuff." These wrecks are years, sometimes decades old.

News of the wrecks has prompted inquiries from people wondering if the pilots or passengers may be long-lost family members.


Florida man William Ogle says he is desperately hoping that one of these wrecks may turn out to be that of his father, who vanished en route to Reno in 1964 amid mysterious circumstances.

Mr Ogle junior contacted the Civil Air Patrol in Nevada and has been assured that all the wrecks will be investigated thoroughly in the coming weeks and months.

"I definitely need closure," Mr Ogle, a 47-year-old scientist from Gainesville, Florida, told the BBC News website.

He says that what has happened to Mr Fossett has revived vivid memories.

"We simply don't know what happened to my father. While I was growing up, I was in a perpetual state of limbo," he said.

Property developer Charles Ogle, then 41, took off from Oakland in his four-seat Cessna 210 on a fine day in August, without filing a flight plan.


"They didn't know where to look for my father, so they had to search in a growing cone right around the airport. As you can see with the Fossett case, it's a difficult proposition," said Mr Ogle.

William was almost five when his father went missing. Not knowing what happened to him has cast a shadow over his life.

He says that when he was young, his teachers would complain to his mother because he would look out of the windows all the time looking for his father's plane.

Charles Ogle learned to fly while serving in the Marine Corps during the Korean War.

"My father was an experienced pilot but not an expert one," remembers Mr Ogle. "He used to take me up in the plane and let me hold the wheel, it was so exciting for me."

An account of Charles's disappearance in the local Oakland Times at the time described him as a "land investor with a Midas touch" who was involved in million-dollar real estate deals.

But he was also divorcing his wife and the newspaper account reveals the presence of a young woman near Charles's plane on the day he disappeared.

"My mother was going through a very hard time, then my father disappeared and she was left with nothing. His business partner said he ran off with lots of money. I grew up thinking that he was in fact still alive and had just run off."

The search was called off after 60 hours, but the Ogle family hired private investigators to try to establish whether Charles was still alive.

He was only declared legally dead 11 years ago.

Charles's plane crossed a tiny part of Nevada's rugged wilderness that has swallowed more than 130 light aircraft in the past 50 years.

The Florida-based Air Force Rescue Coordination Centre, which is helping coordinate the Fossett search, maintains a registry of known plane wreck sites in Nevada.

There are currently 129 entries in that registry, but members of the Fossett search team say there are likely to be many more out there.


The National Transportation Safety Board told the BBC News website that all newly discovered wrecks would be fully investigated. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is also likely to send investigators to the new sites.

FAA spokesperson Ian Gregor said investigators would try to identify the pilots. So far, no human remains have been found but Mr Gregor says the planes' owners can be traced through tail and serial numbers as well as personal effects found at the scene.

"An experienced inspector can glean a lot of information even from badly damaged or deteriorated wrecks," he said.

So why have so many planes crashed in Nevada?

Lee Elson, a pilot for 26 years and flying instructor who operates out of Minden airport - where the Fossett search is being coordinated - says the region's topography tells much of the story.

Nevada has more than 300 mountain ranges carved with deep ravines. Some peaks rise to 11,000ft.

"For someone who is used to flat-land flying, the mountains in this area could be dangerous. Some of the planes are unable to clear the peaks so aviators have to fly through the ravines, where the wind picks up," he told the BBC News website.

"The area we are talking about is on the East - the lee side - of the Sierra Nevada range. This is the side of the mountain that is most susceptible to up draughts and down draughts."

Down draughts here can be deadly, forcing a light aircraft 1,000ft down in seconds.

As an experienced glider pilot, Steve Fossett would have been used to such winds.

Charles Ogle, however, was not so experienced.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Ghost in the Kid's Bedroom

"The kids are sleeping in the bed on the right, when something flies out from under the covers of the bed on the left and then watch as an orb floats down over the kids bed."...maineghost

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TV Show Demolishes Haunted House

Some folks around this Down East town might be happy to see an aging farmhouse demolished Tuesday to pave way for a new home being created by Ty Pennington and the cast of ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition."

It turns out the farmhouse where two local teachers and their three young children resided since the 1990s was haunted, according to a professor.

Marcus LiBrizzi, an English professor at the University of Maine at Machias, said the current owners, Brittany Ray and Ron Smith, reported that sharp objects in the home were manipulated in the years they lived there.

They'd discover pins, needles and even scissors balanced end on end inside the home, said LiBrizzi, who describes the creepy occurrences in a book, "Dark Woods, Chill Waters," published this month by Down East Books.

"It got to where the family would be cutting meat and they'd rush over to wash the knives and put them away. Nothing could be left out, not even a tack or pen. It's kind of a series of bizarre and threatening activities," he said.

An ABC spokeswoman confirmed that the Milbridge home marks the first time "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" has dealt with a haunted house.

The hauntings were believed to be caused by the spirits of either Ray's great-great-grandmother, Etta Mitchell, or Mitchell's husband, Augustus Mitchell, or perhaps both, LiBrizzi said. Etta Mitchell was known to be frightened of sharp objects, he said.

Brittany Ray and Ron Smith, who've been whisked away to Disney World while their new home is being built, were not available for comment Tuesday.

But Brittany Ray's brother, Jeremy, said the family does indeed believe that the spirits of Augustus and Etta Mitchell, the home's original owners, reside in the home. The family has come to believe that the spirits of "Nana" and "Gus" are protectors.

Over the years, the family would find pins that were left out stuck in wax candles; scissors that were not put away were found stuck in a countertop, said Jeremy Ray, who lives in Saco.

But the incident that reassured the family that the spirits weren't sinister happened once in the middle of the night. Brittany was awakened by a presence in the bedroom and sensed something was wrong, but she couldn't wake up her husband, her brother said.

She raced downstairs to find that the temperature had topped 100 degrees inside the house because of a malfunctioning furnace, he said.

Jeremy Ray said he believes the spirits have no objection to the destruction of the home, which has a failing septic system, no insulation, a cracked foundation, an outdated furnace, a leaky roof and ancient electrical wiring.

Just to be sure, "Extreme Makeover" held a reading in the house Monday night to get the spirits' approval, he said. It must've worked because the bulldozers razed the house Tuesday and hundreds of volunteers prepared to start building the new house.

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'The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull' Explained

He rediscovered love by finding the Ark of the Covenant, redeemed himself by rescuing the Sankara Stones and tasted illumination the second he sipped from the Holy Grail, but what sort of fortune and glory await Indiana Jones in his next adventure, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"?

"Dawning consciousness, free brotherly love, sex with multiple partners without consequence, drug use," Harvard lecturer Marc Zender joked of the supposed powers of crystal skulls. "You know, tons of stuff."

Professor of archeology, expert on Mesoamerican cultures (particularly Mayan civilization), scholar of Aztec writing, and, shall we say, obtainer of rare antiquities, Dr. Zender is something of an authority on the skulls — and has a lot more insight into the meaning of the film's title than his comment above might indicate.

Although crystal skulls were once displayed in museums across the globe (including the Smithsonian) as proof of ancient Mayan grinding technology, they're actually all fakes, most likely manufactured in late 19th-century Germany. Zender said this makes the artifacts "as perfectly legitimate a subject for Indy's fictional adventures as either the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail."

Fictional or not, New Age believers do ascribe powers to these hauntingly beautiful artifacts. At the very least, they have the power to reveal something about the plot of the upcoming movie (due out May 22, 2008), which has been a hot topic of speculation since the title was made public at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards.

"It is said that when [High Priest of the Maya] willed death with the help of the skull, death invariably followed," Zender said. "For anyone who believed this story, then, the crystal skull was a grim and deadly artifact, exactly the kind of thing that Indy would go searching for.

"But a funny thing happened on the way to the present New Age movement," Zender laughed, saying the artifact somehow morphed from a device of doom into "an airy-fairy vehicle for harmonic convergence," which can amplify and focus psychic abilities. "People are able to gaze into the eyes of the crystal skull and see these scenes — to either read the past with great clarity or predict the future."

More interesting, perhaps — given recent rumors that the film would place Indy into direct conflict with aliens (or at least the bureaucrats at Area 51, where some of the film supposedly takes place) — is Zender's explanation of another one of the crystal skulls most flouted powers.

"These things are big crystals, and people started thinking of them as these super computers of past civilizations. If a silicon chip can hold tons of information and data, imagine what a gigantic 11-pound crystal can hold," Zender said. "So maybe this skull has stored all of the lost knowledge of the Mayans or Atlantians, or ET."

Recent online speculation seems to focus on this explanation, with scuttlebutt centered mostly on Indy's rumored otherworldly foes. But if Dr. Jones wants to phone home, it's going to be hard work.

"When all seven, nine, 13 — pick your number — when these skulls appear together, then a brand new age blossoms," he said of devotees' beliefs, with a tone of incredulity in his voice. "True believers believe that each skull has its own specific property, and bringing them all together makes all those abilities available to everybody all at once."

Indiana will probably find one (or more) of these skulls where they supposedly originated, in Central America, which means a pretty rad trip back to "Raiders" territory for fans. The story could even be based on the skulls' real-life discovery.

"Frederick Mitchell-Hedges, the adventurer, explorer and Atlantis aficionado, claimed to have discovered a crystal skull at the Mayan city of Lubaantun, in southern Belize (then British Honduras) in the early 1920s. He knew very well that he bought it at Sotheby's in the '40s," Zender said of the true beginning of the legend of the crystal skulls. "This skull was supposedly found by his adoptive daughter Anna on her birthday, when he let her into the dig site to search out a birthday keepsake."

A young girl with a somewhat oddball archeologist father known to keep some of his artifacts? While pure speculation, adapting this story would seem, at least, to provide a plausible means of reintroducing Marion Ravenwood (played again by Karen Allen).

The Holy Grail is an obvious quest for eternal life, the Ark for power. With so many divergent theories on crystal skulls, however (and given the fact that the legend itself is only 70 years old), Zender's assessment is that there is just no way to tell where this adventure will ultimately take Indy.

"They're not attached to any real ancient tradition. Every true believer has a slightly different take on them," Zender sighed. "As with most romances, by the end of it, the skull will have to be destroyed and the [ancient] civilization will pass away. But we'll just have to wait and see how."

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Is Minnesota House Haunted?

While most Hutchinson residents were firmly rooted in reality this past weekend, several members of the local preservation group Historic Hutchinson were looking for the hereafter.

On Saturday, the Twin Cities ghost-hunting team of Kathleen Machowski, Pat Theisen and Christina Russell came to Hutchinson to look for spirits at the Harrington-Merrill House.

Machowski is working on a book titled, “Spirited Minnesota.” As part of her research, she is investigating historic properties. She came across the Harrington-Merrill House while searching on the Internet. She wrote a letter to this reporter who passed it on to Historic Hutchinson President Kay Voigt.

“I think it’s important to investigate all options,” Voigt said. “We’re interested in all parts of the history of the house, be it historical or spiritual. The Harrington-Merrill House is listed on some Web sites as haunted. We wanted to know if it was true or not.”

Joining Voigt for the ghost-hunting session was Historic Hutchinson members Bobby Paulson and Micalie Kempfert.

“I thought it would be interesting,” Paulson said. “I believe there’s a lot of paranormal activity in Hutchinson. When I heard a professional group was coming to town, I wanted to be there.”

When the team checked their equipment at the Harrington-Merrill House, only a small blip showed up on the video camera.

However, they did recover several suggestions of electronic voice phenomena, including such phrases as “help me,” “it’s so late” and “already dead.”

Machowski said they’ll review the tapes and see what else may have been recorded. There’s an invisible world out there,” she said.

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Cryptozoologist Follows the Clues

Scientific cryptozoologist John Kirk intrigued by sightings at Cameron Lake

“There is definitely something in the water and it is moving.”

That’s the opinion of John Kirk, the president and head field researcher for the B.C. Scientific Cryptozoology Club, about a photograph of a strange wake in Cameron Lake.

He says what he saw was convincing, and now he’s considering an expedition to Cameron Lake to look at the situation first-hand.

The picture, taken by Brigette Horvath, reputedly shows evidence of something unusually large swimming in the lake. A TV segment featuring Horvath’s story and photo caught Kirk’s attention and a subsequent Internet search by his team pulled up the story in The News.

It wasn’t the first time they’d heard about this creature. In fact, he said his group first heard about the cryptid — the name given to unidentified species — in 2004.

“We have been aware of the Cameron Lake cryptid for a long time,” Kirk said.

Kirk and his team studied Horvath’s image. They have since been in contact with her and he said he’s contemplating an expedition to the shores of Cameron Lake. If he does come, Kirk will bring with him a wealth of experience spanning 20 years that has seen his search for strange creatures take him from the shores of Vancouver Island lakes to the jungles of the Congo.

He leads a group of about 70 members — among them, he notes, two members of the prestigious Royal Society. He plans to bring some of them with him, and he has invited Horvath.

The sighting, he said, fits in with a surprisingly large and widespread body of local lake creature lore. In fact, he said, British Columbia is number one in the world for lake monster sightings, beating out Norway and Sweden.

“There are 39 lakes in this province where some type of creature has been seen,” he said. “These phenomena happen all over the province.”

Other Island sightings, he said, include giant salamanders in Nitnat Lake, and an Ogopogo-like creature in Cowichan Lake.

“There’s a story of a guy fishing there in the 1950s or ‘60s being towed around the lake for an hour when his fishing line snagged on something very large.”

Tales of lake cryptids on Vancouver Island, he said, go beyond the 20-odd year history of the Cameron Lake creature, noting another lake may provide a clue about the history of lake creatures.

“Sproat Lake is also a body of water with an unknown animal inhabiting it,” he said. “In April, 1987 my family and a friend saw two large black humps swimming parallel with the shore at the northern end of the lake. We watched it for about minute. At Sproat Lake there are famous pictographs depicting an unknown creature known in the rest of the province as a Naitaka. This is the same name given to Ogopogo.”

An author and law enforcement support worker, Kirk has travelled to Scotland, Ireland and parts of the United States in his cryptozoological investigations. However, he said for him, his adventure in Africa stands out.

“We were looking for a semi-aquatic creature in Congo and Cameroon, called Mokele-mbembe, which is described as a long-necked animal with a body similar to a hippo and elephant-like legs,” he said. “It sounded like a sauropod. We heard reports of Pygmies seeing the creature.”

One father and son, he said, reported watching a Mokele-mbembe for three hours when its bulk blocked their passage on the river, and they were able to describe it in detail. Some of the locals, he said, were able to pick out a picture of the creature from a book — a picture which turned out to be of a plesiosaur. Interestingly, he added, the Pygmies described dermal quills on the neck of the beast — a feature of plesiosaurs largely unknown until very recently, and which weren’t in the pictures.

While Kirk said Mokele-mbembe could be some sort of holdover from another time, the Cameron Lake cryptid appears to be something different.

“Someone said it was silver coloured and looked like a fish,” he said. “I don’t think this is a pleisiosaur or something left over from he age of dinosaurs. I think it could be an undiscovered species.”

Journo turns animal-hunter

John Kirk wasn’t always a cryptid hunter. He says he was a hard-nosed journalist when he moved to Canada in 1987. It was on a holiday at Okanagan Lake that year when his life changed forever.

“I saw a thing in the lake called Ogopogo,” he said. “My entire life was turned upside down by my experience. I was ridiculed by some and even my good friends think I am a bit odd because I have spent 20 years pursuing unknown animals. But I thought, why isn’t anyone investigating this animal from a scientific perspective? That got me started.”

Quebec next on list of sightings

Right behind British Columbia in terms of lake cryptid sightings, Kirk said, is Quebec.

One instance of a lake creature in La Belle Provence comes from Lake Champlain, where sightings of a strange creature are so common the locals have come up with a pet name for it: Champ. In the Eastern Townships area, people talk about a creature they call Ponik.

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Family Reports Strange Lights Over Carolina Coast

Video of lights over Atlantic Ocean near the Carolina coast

LEXINGTON, N.C. - Sept. 11, 2007 – Was it a meteor, the military or a UFO? A Lexington family is trying to figure out the origin of an unusual light they saw near North Myrtle Beach, S.C. last week.

"It looked like a car light up in the sky," said Tracy House. "It was yellow."

The family first noticed the light September 5 over the Atlantic Ocean.

Josh house and his sister, Tracy called the Coast Guard, thinking someone was stranded... and ran to the water's edge.

The coast guard says it was probably a meteor shower

Even grandfather Buzzy House, the family skeptic, doesn't buy that explanation.

"I don't believe in flying saucers and ghosts and stuff like this," said Buzzy. "I still don't. But I did see the lights."

North Myrtle Beach police told the family the lights were likely caused by jets from Shaw Air Force Base in Sumter, S.C., performing military maneuvers.

According to the North Carolina president of MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, it could have been something more "interplanetary."

"There is a marked increase in sightings and personally, in my opinion only, I think we're getting ready for some event," said Jim Sutton, MUFON North Carolina president.

"Whether it be UFO's or military, either way, it's interesting to me as to why, who, and what's the whole purpose behind it," said Josh House.

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Peterborough Museum Calls For Paranormal Probe

If there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? As the hit film advised, you should get in touch with your local ghostbusters sharpish.

And with banging doors, mysterious smells and ghostly figures seen to be lurking in the corridors of Peterborough Museum for years, its staff have enlisted the services of a squad of spookhunters.

The crack team of special investigators from Paranormal Tours will camp out at the historic building to find out exactly what is going bump in the night.

And with sightings of an eerie apparition said to be the Lonely Anzac First World War soldier Thomas Hunter floating on the stairs, a ghostly kitchen maid who fell to her death and a Roman soldier just some of the spectres spotted, they are sure to have rich pickings.

The Hampshire-based group, which specialises in ghost hunts, has chosen to hold its first-ever museum investigation in the city's Priestgate on October 6, and like the popular Most Haunted show, will use hi-tech kit to examine the unexplained happenings.

And people with nerves of steel are being sought to take part in the fright night.

Event organiser Kerry Marsay said: "Although staying awake may sound difficult, with a full programme of activities, and the potential for ghostly experiences, there is unlikely to be a dull moment."

During the event, participants are given an introductory workshop and training in the equipment they will use for conducting experiments, including meters to measure changes in frequency, thermometers, motion detectors, and devices to record "electronic voice phenomena".

All ghosthunters are invited to bring their own digital cameras and night vision equipment.

The group will be able to speak to a local historian to find out about the past of the property – the main building of which dates from 1816, when it was a magistrate's house, before being used as a hospital – as well as using a medium to communicate with any presence they detect.

The event will start at 8pm, and last until 6am.

Kerry said: "We are really excited and privileged at the prospect of investigating the museum.

"Sceptics and believers alike tend to leave our events with far more questions than when they arrive."

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Paranormal Team Investigates Country Hotel

A team of ghost hunters say they have uncovered some interesting findings in the region.

Wrexham paranormal research group Spirit Quest UK conducted an investigation at the Pwllgwyn hotel in Afonwen, which members say was a big success, and are now returning to their favourite haunt, a three-storey house in Llangollen.

During the time they spent at the hotel in Afonwen, members recorded a voice saying "help me" and captured images of orbs which they say could indicate paranormal activity.

Howard Hughes, director of Spirit Quest UK, said he believed that during spirit communication, the party had contacted the spirit of a monk and a lady who used to run the Pwllgwyn.

Mr Hughes said: "We raised some money for the Stroke Association, and we are now returning to Llangollen. It is a large three-storey house that dates from the early 1700s, and is one of our favourite locations.

"In the past we have recorded the sound of something coming upstairs, hundreds of orbs, voices and more.

"As usual, we invite anyone with a genuine interest to join us.

"That is what we are all about. Our goals are to give anyone with an interest in the paranormal the chance to spend a night with us in a haunted place. We also want to work with the community, and encourage any local charity to contact us.

"We will help to raise money for anything, from a new church roof to a charity, and are always keen to hear from anyone who has had a paranormal experience or taken a photograph of something that they cannot explain. We want to bring recognition to the area and its history, and so far we seem to be succeeding.

"We would like to thank everyone who joined us at the Pwllgwyn and everyone who helped us out, and of course the landlord for making it all possible."

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Monday, September 10, 2007

'Tianchi Monsters' Caught on Film

A TV reporter said he shot a 20-minute video of six "Lake Tianchi Monsters", near the border with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Zhuo Yongsheng, who works for a local TV station run by the administration office of the nature reserve at Mount Changbaishan, Jilin, has sent pictures of the Loch Ness-type creatures to Xinhua's Jilin provincial bureau.

One of them showed the creatures swimming in three pairs, in parallel. Another showed them together, leaving ripples on the surface of the deep, volcanic lake.

Zhuo, director of the TV station's news center, said he shot the video and photos last Thursday.

"I went on top of the southern slope of the mountain with two local guides at 5:05 AM hoping to shoot the sunrise," he said. "I was not able to do that because it was cloudy."

By 5:26 AM there was a clear view of Tianchi Lake at the foot of the mountain. "Du Baiqing, one of the guides, suddenly pointed to the lake and yelled in amazement that a stone had emerged from nowhere", Zhuo told Xinhua.

He focused his lens on the black moving object in the center of the lake and five other forms emerged from the deep water.

Zhuo said he witnessed the six seal-like, finned creatures swimming and frolicking in the lake for an hour and a half, before they ducked out of sight at 7:00 AM.

"They could swim as fast as yachts and at times they would disappear under the water. It was impressive to see them all swimming at exactly the same pace, as if someone was giving orders," he said. "Their fins - or maybe wings - were longer than their bodies."

Zhuo said he previously did not believe in legends about lake monsters. "But I believed what I saw with my own eyes."

Rumors the volcanic lake harbors some sort of monster have been circulating for more than a century.

Scientists, however, have dismissed the rumors saying the lake was too cold for large creatures.

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

U.S. Astronauts Disclose Likely Encounters With Extraterrestrials and UFOs

Rumors have persisted for years that the astronauts -- nearly all of whom are military officers susceptible to being silenced under orders -- may have seen something more on the Moon than rocks and dust.

According to transcripts of the technical debriefing following the Apollo 11 mission, astronauts Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins told of an encounter with a large cylindrical UFO even before reaching the Moon," U.S. investigative journalist and researcher Jim Marrs documents Mr. Aldrin further officially presented his encounters with apparent Extraterrestrials on CNN's Larry King Show.

Jim Marrs further presents that Mr. Aldrin said, "The first unusual thing that we saw I guess was one day out or pretty close to the Moon. It had a sizable dimension to it". Aldrin said the Apollo crew at first thought the object was the Saturn 4 booster rocket (S-IVB); but, he added, "We called the ground and were told the S-IVB was 6,000 miles away."

Mr. Aldrin described the UFO as a cylinder, while Armstrong said it was "really two rings" Two connected rings". Collins also said it appeared to be a hollow, tumbling cylinder. He added, "It was a hollow cylinder. But then you could change the focus on the sextant and it would be replaced by this open-book shape. It was really weird."

Even more strange was the experience of Mr. Aldrin and Mr. Armstrong, after they reached the Moon.

According to an Associated Press story of July 20, 1969 published in the San Bernardino Sun-Telegram, the astronauts sighted eerie lights inside a crater near the point on the Moon where their lunar lander was due to touch down the next day.

On their first sweep around the Moon, Armstrong described a mysterious bright light on the inner wall of the crater Aristarchus, located north of their flight path. "It seems to have a slight amount of florescence to it. The area in the crater is quite bright," he reported.

"That area is definitely brighter than anything else I can see. There doesn't appear to be any color involved in it. It looks like an eerie sight," confirmed Aldrin.

Two astronauts who appear to have broken ranks are Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper. On The Oprah Winfrey Show on 19 July 1991, Mitchell hinted that all information regarding UFOs has not been released, saying, "I do believe that there is a lot more known about extraterrestrial investigation than is available to the public right now [and] has been for a long time... It's a long, long story. It goes back to World War II when all of that happened, and is highly classified stuff."

On Dateline NBC in 1996, Mitchell was even more candid. "I have no firsthand experience, but I have had the opportunity to meet with people from three countries who in the course of their official duties claim to have had personal firsthand encounter experiences... with Extraterrestrials," he said. Jim Marrs says that "Mitchell flatly stated that some advanced military craft use technology derived from alien spacecraft that have been collected by the U.S. Government."

Cooper, in a letter read during a 1978 meeting at the United Nations to discuss UFOs, stated, "...I believe that these extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet form other planets, which are obviously a little more advanced than we are here on Earth."

Also that year, Mr. Cooper wrote a letter to the ambassador of the Mission of Grenada to the United Nations supporting a UN initiative to study UFOs. In his letter, Cooper stated that astronauts "are very reluctant even to discuss UFOs due to the great numbers of people who have indiscriminately sold fake stories and forged documents, abusing their names and reputations without hesitation. Those few astronauts who have continued to participate in the UFO field have had to do so very cautiously. There are several of us who do believe in UFOs and who have had occasion to see a UFO on the ground, or from an airplane."

Cooper's mention of a "UFO on the ground. apparently was a reference to his own experience at Edwards Air Force Base on May 2, 1957. In 1993, Cooper gave this account of the incident: "I had a crew that was filming an installation of a precision landing system we were installing out on the dry lake bed, and they were there with stills and movies, and filmed the whole installation and they came running in to tell me that this UFO, a little saucer, had come down right over them, put down three gear, and landed about 50 yards from them, and as they proceeded to go on over to get a closer shot of it, it lifted up, put the gear in, and disappeared in a rapid rate of speed.

"And so I had to follow my directions as a military... I had to look up the regulations on who I was to call to report this, which I did, and they ordered me to immediately have the film developed, put it in a pouch, and send them by the commanding general's plane to Washington, which I did. And that was the last I've ever heard of the film."

It is interesting to note indicates Mr. Marrs that, "despite the continued protests that there is no government secrecy regarding UFOs, there is no public report on this incident. Although the event was listed in the Project Blue Book index, a full report and clear photos are suspiciously absent."

Yet Mr. Cooper, who reported the UFO landing, was selected as a Mercury astronaut only two years later. In a 1996 interview, Mr. Cooper said he discounts any conventional explanation for his experience. Asked his thoughts on UFOs, the astronaut said, "Well, I figured it was somebody coming from some distant place to visit us."

Steve Omar, another investigative journalist and researcher, indicates that J. Allen Hynek (who investigated U.F.O.s for the U.S. Air Force), Major Donald Keyhoe, Timothy Good (in his book Above Top Secret) suggest secrecy about UFOs and Extraterrestrials. One unquestionably absolute expert we may want to consult is Christopher Kraft, who was Director of the NASA tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, when he revealed the following conversation “after” he left his work at NASA:

- ASTRONAUTS NElL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speaking from the Moon: “Those are giant things. No, no, no .... this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!”

- MISSION CONTROL (HOUSTON CENTER): “What...what...what? What the hell is happening? What’s wrong with you?”

- ASTRONAUTS: “They’re here under the surface.”

- MISSION CONTROL: “What’s there? Emission interrupted... interference control calling Apollo II.”

- ASTRONAUTS: “We saw some visitors. They were there for awhile, observing the instruments.”

- MISSION CONTROL: ”Repeat your last information.”

- ASTRONAUTS: “I say that there were other spaceships. They’re lined up on the other side of the crater.”

- MISSION CONTROL: “Repeat...repeat!”

- ASTRONAUTS: “Let us sound this orbita ..... In 625 to 5... automatic relay connected... My hands are shaking so badly I can’t do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything... what then?”

- MISSION CONTROL: “Have you picked up anything?”

- ASTRONAUTS: “I didn’t have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film.”

- MISSION CONTROL: “Control, control here. Are you on your way? Is the uproar with the U.F.O.s. over?

- ASTRONAUTS: “They’ve landed there. There they are and they are watching us.”

- MISSION CONTROL: “The mirrors, the mirrors...have you set them up?”

> - ASTRONAUTS: “Yes, they’re in the right place. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.”

There is an unconfirmed report, also documented by Steve Omar, that when Buzz Aldrin opened the door after landing on the Moon, he immediately saw a transparent etherical being staring at him outside. Welcome to the Moon?? Allegedly, NASA Director Kraft added that there was a public and a secret private A.S.A. radio frequency between Moon and Mission Control and that the conversation above took place during a mysterious two minute interruption in public transmissions. To prove it is the truth, hundreds of independent CIVILIAN radio operators with powerful VHF equipment separately reported hearing the AME spaceship report from the Apollo moon-walkers!

Soviet radio operators also picked it up and published it in Moscow. Another mysterious radio message from the Moon was broadcast on French public television only one time before it was censored AFTER it leaked out. That transmission appeared to be a mysterious clearly spoken ALIEN LANGUAGE," further reports Steve Omar.

The famous French historian and author Robbert Charroux published the transmission which has been suppressed in the U.S. It came from U.S. astronaut Worden who transmitted it to NASA, and expert linguists have been unable to translate the message.

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Friday, September 07, 2007

Audubon Director States There Are Mountain Lions In Kansas

Ron Klataske exudes confidence when he talks about what he says is proof that mountain lions exist in Kansas.

He's put photos up on the Web and is awaiting a visit from the state's primary investigator when it comes to mountain lion reports -- Matt Peek.

Klataske, executive director of Audubon of Kansas, this week made the announcement via an e-mail to journalists across the state and on the Audubon's Web site.

The announcement was accompanied by photographs of an animal and pictures of plaster casts that Klataske says confirms the presence of mountain lions.

Matt Peek, a furbearer-big game biologist with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, hopes to get a closer look at what Klataske has to offer.

Peek said KDWP doesn't discount the idea that mountain lions might be in Kansas.

"We have not found conclusive evidence that wild mountain lions are in the state," he said.

In surrounding states, for example, mountain lions have been found, generally when they are killed crossing roads.

Peek is hoping that a higher quality photograph can be obtained, noting that the photograph on the Audubon's Web site is "inconclusive."

Mountain lions have been the subject of considerable debate in Kansas.

Rumors and reports concerning sightings abound, but no tangible evidence has been found.

The last confirmed wild Kansas mountain lion was killed in 1904 in Ellis County.

Even the scat that originally confirmed the presence of a mountain lion near the University of Kansas campus in Lawrence is now suspect because of problems with the laboratory where the sample was tested.

But now there is also a recent incident of a 17-year-old Alma cross-country runner who "got knocked down from behind," Peek said. "He thinks the animal that did it was a mountain lion."

Peek said he and others were in the area where the student was running but was unable to find anything, primarily because it had rained overnight and the road had been graded.

While the claw marks were minor, he said, investigators were able to determine that they were wider than perhaps a bobcat might be. But they also couldn't exclude that possibility.

"We don't have any real reason not to believe the kid," Peek said. "We would probably call it inconclusive. There is no obvious reason not to believe what the kid said. And he believes it was a mountain lion."

Peek said he hopes to review the evidence Klataske has and said he is "not discounting anything at this point."

Klataske said he decided to make the announcement via e-mail and online because KDWP has had a history of skepticism concerning mountain lions in Kansas.

"I just thought it was better to share it with them at the same time I share it with everyone," he said.

Although Klataske would not say where the animals were sighted, he did say that they were primarily in the eastern part of the state.

Klataske said he had confirmed two separate cougars since April 2006, and another that was killed in north-central Kansas in 2002.

In June 2006, the Audubon director said he spotted a mountain lion about 3 miles from where the lion had been photographed a couple months earlier. Klataske said he found a dozen or more tracks near a stream and made plaster casts of several.

The Alma attack is what prompted him to step forward with information.

It's important, he said, for people to be aware that mountain lions might be in the area and to take precautions.

He's also concerned that people might take up arms and pursue the animal, killing it if it is found.

That's why he won't give the exact location where the lions have been spotted, although he said he'd show Peek where the casts were taken.

"We just think it's important for people to understand they're here so we can talk about how to develop a conservation program," Klataske said.

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Murdered Woman Haunts Montana Residence

Doreen Lemire points to a hole under her bathroom where she and her husband found several bones

Great Falls, Montana - Kristafer Lock has tried to forget seeing a translucent-like woman in a white nightgown walking the hallways of his mom’s house.

But he’s not ruling anything out at this point.

On Monday, his mom Doreen Lemire and her husband Allen discovered what could possibly be the bones of a woman beneath their bathroom at 1305 7th Ave. N. The woman may have been killed by her husband 32 years ago.

Police have not determined if they are animal bones or human bones. But Leslee Reynolds Larson went missing in 1975, her husband Dennis Larson lived on the same lot, he was later convicted in Maine of killing his third wife, and he admitted in 2000 to killing Leslee.

That has 18-year-old Lock thinking seriously about what he saw.

He described the ghost as a woman in a white dress with a rose print. She would appear in the hallway between the living room and kitchen, where the bathroom is located, too. Sometimes he would see her outside.

“I try not to pay too much attention to her,” Lock said. “I don’t believe in spirits; I don’t believe in ghosts.”

But he’s not the only one that has supposedly seen a female ghost hovering in the house.

For years, people have described the house at 1305 7th Ave. N., as well as the duplex at 1301-1303 7th Ave. N., as haunted.

According to city directories, Dennis Larson lived in the 1301 duplex until sometime in 1979 or 1980.

Jody McCurdy lived in the Lemire’s house from 1998 to 2002. Her son Malachi Dusek was just 5 years old around that time and often told her of seeing a woman in a white nightgown walking through the house, holding a purse.

When on Wednesday, she read the news of human bones possibly being discovered in her old rental home, McCurdy said she “went numb.”

“We had so many problems in that house,” McCurdy said.

Malachi Dusek, right, sits on the porch of his Black Eagle home with his mother Jody McCurdy and brother Micah Brady and recounts a ghost sighting he had while his family lived at 1305 7th Ave. N.

She had a mice problem and at one point in time believed there was carbon monoxide poisoning in the house as well. She also had two miscarriages while living in the house and one premature baby died.

“I just figured it was like a curse,” she said.

The mice, she said, used to come from a hole underneath the sink in the bathroom – the same place the Lemires found the bones on Monday when remodeling their bathroom.

“The smell just was like decaying wood,” McCurdy said.

Malachi, now 11, said he once followed the woman who appeared in a night gown from one of the bedrooms toward the living room, thinking it was his mom.

When he yelled for his mom, Malachi said she responded that she was in the bathroom.

“I was 100 percent sure I’d seen something,” Malachi said. “I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.”

After Dennis Larson was arrested and charged with murdering his wife in Maine in 1988, police in Great Falls once again opened the investigation into Leslee’s death and searched the duplex where the Larsons had lived.

Pat Goodover owned the duplex for a few years in the 1980s when that investigation was initiated.

He said at that time, some of the tenants reported seeing a ghost and that those tenants who had dogs would never go near the dirt-floor basement.

“This was your classic haunted house,” Goodover said. “Whether you believed in ghosts or not – something was there.”

He described the duplex as two separate townhouses with a main floor, second floor and a basement that was shared between the two. It may have been a single-family residence at one point.

The duplex was razed in 2005 and is now one big corner lot owned by the Lemires, according to city records.

Goodover said the house that is now 1305 7th Ave. N was a garage at the time and was owned by a different person.

In the west-facing unit, there was once a fireplace where Goodover said police searched for clues. On the east-facing unit, he said there was a door that led to nowhere, but had scratch marks like someone was trying to get inside the house.

It was like déjà vu to Goodover when he heard news of bones being found – even though the bones haven’t been identified and Goodover tries not to believe in ghosts.

“I don’t have an opinion on that,” he said. “There are things out there we don’t know.”

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New UFO Sightings in New South Wales

EDEN, New South Wales, Australia - Eden residents Margaret McDonald and her grandchildren are wondering about life in space after seeing an strange object in the sky three nights in a row.

From Friday night to Sunday night on the last weekend in August, Mrs McDonald, her husband Greg and two of her five grandchildren, Tim and April Keft, watched the antics of an orange star shaped object in the night sky.

Miss Keft was the first to spot the unidentified flying object [UFO] as it approached from the north at about 9.30pm on Friday night when she took the dog outside for a stretch, and called out Mrs and Mr McDonald outside.

"When I first saw it I thought it was a star," she said.

"It was like it could see us as it did a little dance.

"Timothy [Keft] got binoculars out and saw flashing lights.

"It was very high up when it started to move and it was heading south and then it just sort of turned gradually and left in an easterly direction over the sea."

At about the same time over the next two nights the family piled outside again.

"It looked like it was more above us and it looked like it had a cross on it, it wasn't round but more like a star," Miss Keft said.

"On Sunday night it did a little dance and went south."

Astrologer David Reneke has researched UFOs for more than 10 years and currently contributes to Sky and Space Magazine.

He said there was a list of possibilities to work though before an object could be called a UFO.

"Mrs McDonald's explanation was very vivid and descriptive," he said.

He said without further investigation it was impossible to regard the UFO.

"One of top five things I ever saw came from the Ben Boyd National Park, and it was in daylight," he said.

There was more than one witness and they had evidence."

The story Mr Reneke mentioned was the filmed sighting of five or six flying objects over the sea by three Sydney men who were in Eden to film an eclipse of the sun in 1976.

Mr Reneke examined the film frame by frame and sent it to the United States for analysis where it was confirmed to be unidentified.

So is there pattern of UFO sightings in our skies at the time of an eclipse?

"No," said Mr Reneke.

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

1st Yeti Footprint Photos to be Sold

The first photographic evidence that the yeti, or abominable snowman, might be more than a flight of Himalayan fancy has surfaced in public and is to be offered at auction later this month.

Four photographs of large paw prints in the snow beneath Mount Everest are to be sold at Christie's in London on September 26.

The images were taken by the legendary British mountaineer Eric Shipton on a reconaissance trip to Everest in 1951, in preparation for the first successful ascent of the 29,028 ft peak two years later.

Tom Bourdillon, who was also in the reconaissance party, later gave Shipton's black and white prints, which measure 6ins by 4ins, to a friend, Michael Davies.

Mr Davies' descendants are now selling the historic souvenirs, which are expected to fetch £2,500.

The first European claim of a sighting of a large bear-like beast in the Himalayas was made in 1925, but there was no photographic back-up until Shipton's pictures.

On the back of one of his images, Bourdillon wrote to Davies about the team's sighting of the prints.

He said: "We came across them on a high path on the Nepal-Tibet watershed during the 1951 Everest expedition.

"They seem to have come over a secondary path at about 19,500ft down to 19,000ft where we first saw them and then went on down the glazier.

"We followed them for the better part of a mile. What it is I don’t know, but I am quite clear that it is no animal known to live in the Himalaya and that it is big."

Edmund Hillary, who first climbed the mountain with Tenzing Norgay, later said in a book that a member of his successful party had found a tuft of long black hairs on a rock. The hairs were said to look like bristles.

Publication of Shipton's pictures prompted several expeditions to search for the yeti but they all proved to be inconclusive.

The photographs are included in a two-day Christie's sale devoted to exploration and travel.

Other star items include the first aerial photographs of the summit of Everest taken by Colonel Stewart Blacker in 1933 (estimate £6000) and a poignant souvenir of Captain Robert Scott's ill-fated race to the South Pole in 1912, the white canvas cover of Captain Lawrence Oates’s sleeping bag.

It was retrieved from Antarctica by a search party after Oates left Scott and the rest of the doomed team, leaving his tent in a blizzard with the now-famous last words: "I am just going outside and may be some time."

The cover is expected to fetch £40,000.

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Mysterious Sightings in New Zealand Skies

A man who photographed a mysterious object over the Tasman Sea near Kaitaia in April wasn't alone in seeing something strange in the sky.

Ninety Mile Beach Surfcasting Club members Ann Hallett and her brother Mike Scott were driving to a club function at Ahipara on April 28 when they noticed a 'mirror bright' light in the sky.

"We were coming into Wainui Junction and there it was in the centre of the windscreen," says Ann of the oval-shaped object they first saw at about 5.40pm.

"I said to my brother, what the hell is that?"

They told other club members about the object when they arrived at the function.

The half a dozen people who saw it said it was just the evening star.

Ann and Mike estimate they watched the object head towards the western horizon for 5-6 minutes before it disappeared.

The Sunday of the following week, Ann and Mike were fishing off Ninety Mile Beach, north of Ahipara, when they saw and photographed a bright smoke trail in the sky at about 5.15pm.

"At first, we thought it was a cloud, but it was moving," says Mike of the object which appeared as the sun was setting.

They did not think the object could be the contrail of a plane because they had never seen one heading in that direction, at that time of day, in the years they had been fishing at the beach.

"Whatever it was, I've never seen anything like it," says Ann.

Two other people have contacted The Northern News to report similar sightings around April 28.

An Opononi couple saw a bright, vertical line above the western horizon one evening as the sun was setting.

An Ahipara man saw a bright object with a tail, which shortened in length as it got closer to the horizon, on at least two nights.

The man, who watched the object through a telescope for about 10 minutes, says he hasn't seen similar objects in the sky since.

UFO Focus New Zealand member and air traffic controller at Hamilton Airport, Graeme Opie, has studied Ms Hallett's photos and concluded the object is likely to be the contrail of an aircraft.

UFOCUS coordinator Suzy Hansen is not commenting on whether the object photographed on April 28 is more likely to be a contrail, given the later sighting of a contrail in the same area at the same time of evening.

The two sightings are separate events, she says appealing to others who saw the bright light in April to contact the group with information.

United States UFO specialist Dr Bruce Maccabee has told the group the object photographed in April could be a contrail viewed end on.

Photos of the object on the UFOCUS website show two vapour trail-like objects which change shape and converge during the three minutes the photos were taken.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Triangle Shaped UFO Over Belgium

Do The Pendle Witches Haunt Cross Gaits Inn?

A pub landlord has launched an investigation to find out whether his new inn is haunted.

Local legends say the Cross Gaits Inn, Blacko was used to imprison some of the famous Pendle witches and that the ghost of a woman with a dog has been seen sitting by the fire.

Andrew Duxbury, 36, took the reins of the Beverley Road pub in June and said he has been told by different regulars that some of the witches had been held in the pub's cellar.

The witches were hanged after being suspected of murdering 17 people in and around the Forest of Pendle.

Mr Duxbury closed the pub on Monday for a refurbishment and he has used this as a chance to investigate the pub.

He was hoping to find a trapdoor down to the cellar when the carpets were lifted, but there was no access to any rooms below ground. It appears the cellars may have been filled in with concrete.

But Mr Duxbury is undeterred and is continuing to scour the pub and history books to learn about its ghostly past.

He said: "A few of the locals have told me that there was some kind of holding cell for witches in the pub's cellars.

"They say witches used to be held there before transported to Lancaster Castle.

"I don't know if any of the Pendle witches were held down there.

"The locals tell me there were shackles and chains down there.

"I am disappointed we can't go into the cellar. It appears to have been filled with concrete."

He added: "I wanted to refurbish the pub because it was dated.

"And I thought it was a good opportunity to see what was down there."

He said the thought of ghosts did not scare him.

Mr Duxbury said: "I have been told there is the ghost of a woman with a dog who sits by the fire.

"I haven't seen her yet, but during winter time when the fire is on, it is said to be cold where she sits.

"I'll have to wait and see."

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British MoD Official Recalls UFO Sighting

A top UK government official admitted the existence of UFOs in a secret document about a dramatic sighting.

The Ministry of Defence boss made the astonishing claim after dozens of eyewitnesses reported a "hovering" flying saucer in the skies in Shropshire.

His confidential report features in a new book by Timothy Good, who is regarded as a world expert on alien phenomena.

Good's book, Need To Know, features previously secret government papers about UFO sightings which have taken place around the world.

A whole section is devoted to a mystery craft which "shot beams of light" near RAF Shawbury, Shropshire, in the early hours of March 31, 1993. It had earlier been spotted in the skies above Devon, Cornwall and South Wales.

Up to 70 credible eyewitnesses later came forward to report the sighting, including some military personnel and police officers.

The newly obtained document shows that a Head of Secretariat for the Ministry of Defence wrote to the Assistant Chief of Air Staff following the chilling encounter on the night and was convinced it was a genuine UFO.

The release of the book comes as the MoD prepares to publish other UFO reports dating back to 1967.

The documents to be released also include witness accounts from civilian pilots and military personnel.

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Bigfoot Video - Sooke, British Columbia

Video posted on YouTube. States video was shot during winter 2006 near Sooke, British Columbia, Canada.

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

"Giant Ferris Wheel in the Sky!"

Sept. 3, 2007 - Surbiton residents were baffled to see mysterious lights in the sky last night.

At least a dozen people have reported seeing about 12 lights in the shape of a ferris wheel adorn the sky last night.

No definite explanation has yet been given of the extradordinary light formation, leaving the star gazers scratching their heads as to what could have caused it.

What follows is an eyewitness account:

I am near Penzance, Cornwall, U. K. I took this with my Panasonic lumix dmc-fz50 non slr type camera, enhanced it as best I could, I got the original, be good to have it analyzed? It looks red in the original, but I saw, with my naked eye, red, white, blue, yellow, orange and green.
There has been a lot of unusual helicopter activity... although Culdrose is nearby, (largest helicopter base in Europe), they were circling the area a lot. (maybe they lost their lanterns and were searching for them.

As well as tether type sightings, which I photographed, we have witnessed orange (probes) lights, they were in the local paper ,they used the lanterns excuse. Also smaller craft with red and blue lights that moved like the one by the space station in the June 19 Shuttle undock footage.

Penzance, Cornwall, U.K.

Other eyewitness acounts:

I did e mail my comments Sunday morning (2nd) but think i did it wrong (still a novice on the computer). Friday night about 10.00p.m. I was in the garden, we have a road alongside our garden with a terrace of cottages across this road (west) to one side and open skies across gardens the other (east). I noticed a bright light high in the sky appear over the cottages and thinking it was a plane stood and watched, noticing others following close behind realised they were too close for planes and there was no noise - yet I frequently watch planes and even when they are in the distance they can be heard. These lights began appearing over the rooves of the cottages quite close behind each other but spread across the sky and quite high up and went high across our house. I realised my husband would think I was balmy if I were to tell him so ran indoors where he was sound asleep on the sofa, I shook him and got him outside and we both watched in the garden as the lights still appeared from the west over the cottages towards the east and disappearing into the clouds in the far distance. This went on for at least 5 minutes in all and I would think about 50 to 60 lights and two of them seemed to 'play' with each other - darting across and overtaking. It was quite spooky being silent and so many of them. My husband, who would have thought I was crackers had he not seen them, was as mystified as myself.

I would like to think there was an explanation for this and would feel happier if there were. I did phone Epsom Police about 11.15 (after watching the London news) to see if any other reports had been received and initially I think they thought I had come out the pub! but after a serious conversation they logged my details. My husband also said that on Saturday a few phone calls were made to Radio Jackie from people who had also witnessed this happening. Any answers. Laysers have been suggested, but surely these would not have drifted into the clouds until the last one disappeared but would have suddenly 'gone out'. If you have any answers please let us know.

Linda Hope, West Ewell

I saw the same thing!! i am still freaked out to be honest, and also excited to see that i was not seeing things. i was in the garden at my mums in epsom at 10pm and saw what looked like 3 planes in formation, i called my mum out to see and all of a sudden another two in perfect line came out of nowhere. We thought it could be micro lites or something but at 10pm?? we stood and watched and in total saw approx 20 lights come over. all seemed to be in some sort of formation with each other. yet as quickly as they seemed to appear from no where they dissapeared again in to nothing this was 10.05. Please can some one say if they have an idea what these were as i so far can not find a reasonable explanation and am really intrigued.

Lisa, Epsom

My son called me to tell me there were some strange lights in the sky. This was around 10pm on Friday, August 31st. I looked out of the window and saw what looked like a formation of orange aeroplanes in the sky going past my window. I looked to my right where they were originating from and they seemed to be coming up from the ground one after another like bubbles being blown. They were coming from a fair distance away and they "flew" across the sky over Stoneleigh/Ewell and we watched each one reach a spot in the sky and then disappear. They just faded into the sky. We realised that they were too close together to be aeroplanes and at first I thought they may have been the army or police. They all followed the same path and appeared as orange lights and crosses that pulsated. It was quite scary as it was an unusual sight to see. I didn't count how many there were and they definitely were not air balloons which would have drifted in different directions. They didn't seem to make any noise as helicopters do when flying past. I wondered if someone had set these lights off in memory of Princess Diana being her 10th anniversary. But my son and I can't explain these lights as they don't seem to be physical and were just lights. It's frustrating not knowing what they were and not anyone coming forward to say if they had anything to do with them.

Susan Stroud-Bury, Stoneleigh, Surrey

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Fiery UFO Explodes Off New Jersey Coast

September 2, 2007 -- Head for the hills! A mysterious giant "fireball" was spotted exploding over the ocean off the Jersey Shore last night, but officials had no idea last night what it was.

The unidentified falling object was first seen at about 8:40 p.m. by people on Normandy Beach in Ocean County, and was also spotted as far away as Fire Island and South Carolina, officials said.

"It was dispatched as a fireball, out over the ocean, going into the ocean," Deputy Chief Tim Cook of the Toms River, N.J., Fire Department told The Post.

At least 15 witnesses on the beach all described the same thing, he said.

"It was a large fireball that came down and sort of dropped down into the ocean."

Coast Guard cutters and helicopters were dispatched, but found nothing, said Coast Guard spokesman Petty Officer Nyx Cangemi.

"It's a real mystery," he added.

The FAA also had no idea what it was.

"We have no planes reported missing," said agency spokesman Jim Peters who said he checked with area airports and nearby McGuire Air Force Base.

Some officials speculated that it may have been a comet or a meteor, but a spokeswoman with the New Jersey Astrological Association said, "It's news to us."

The rare Aurigid meteor shower - which produces blue and green lights - was expected to take place last night, and may have been to blame.


UFO crashes in Atlantic near new Jersey or a controlled experiment by the advanced extraterrestrial civilization? UFO Crashes Off N.J. Coast

It happened over the ocean off the Jersey Shore. The unidentified falling object was first seen at about 8:40 p.m. by people on Normandy Beach in Ocean County, and was also spotted as far away as Fire Island and South Carolina.

the object has a glowing light around it. The next thing observers saw on a fireball falling on the ocean. Coast Guard cutters and helicopters were dispatched, but found nothing.

Some UFO analysts believe it was not a crash but an controlled underwater experiment by the extraterrestrials. The glow of light around the object is significant because it carries the signature of electromagnetic flux used by type III extraterrestrial UFOs for stealth, armor, navigation and propagation.

According to some, it was a glitch in their experimentation where a controlled entry into the oceanic crust lost its stealth effects. Interestingly, some officials speculated that it may have been a comet or a meteor, but a spokeswoman with the New Jersey Astrological Association said, "It's news to us."

The trail of the explosive entry into the oceanic crust was felt though mild harmonic tremor in the area.

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UFO Sightings in Grampians National Park

Victorian UFO Research Society investigators have received their eighth major sighting in the Grampians National Park in six months.
Investigator James Molesworth said a Stawell man reported the latest sighting at 5.

55am last Wednesday after seeing a `big, bright yellow light' heading from the east in a north-westerly direction.

Mr Molesworth said the man, keen to remain anonymous, was putting things in his car ready for work when he made the sighting.

"He normally keeps a camera in the car, but he'd taken it inside the night before," Mr Molesworth said.

"He watched it for about 45 seconds, then it did a looping turn and disappeared to the north-west within four seconds.

"This fits with other reports from the area."

Mr Molesworth said investigators had studied the Wartook Valley area from 2001.

His colleague Paul Norman has researched UFOs for 50 years and was joined in the Grampians study by Jacqueline Purtell. Mr Molesworth joined the team eight months ago.

"Since 2001 many sightings have been reported and investigated by VUFORS in the Grampians region," he said.

"These have included not just aerial lights at night, but numerous instances of craft being observed in daylight, sometimes at relatively close quarters, and a number of close and spectacular night time sightings.

"On top of this there have been countless observations made by VUFORS investigators and various locals connected to the investigation, usually of a rather less spectacular nature, but highly significant nonetheless.

"Video and photographic evidence has been collected in many instances."

Mr Molesworth provided the Mail-Times with detailed recounts of sightings since April.

"One group of people were driving past the national park in a car. I don't know where they were, but on the edge, when they saw a large yellow light appear from the trees and do an erratic manoeuvre," he said.

"Earlier this year, about five months ago, there was a sighting on Mount Victory Road.

"I saw some myself, a red and green flashing light moving around Mount Thackeray in the Victoria Range.

"In another sighting a few months ago now, a couple in the Victoria Valley saw five lights flying circles around each other and they got to Mt Thackeray and disappeared."

Mr Molesworth said people reported only 10 per cent of sightings.

"We don't get a lot of reports but a lot of people have seen things particularly in the Wartook Valley," he said.

Police at Stawell said they had received no reports about Wednesday's incident.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Medium Derek Acorah Discusses His New Project

Great Britain's best-known medium on who he’s friendly (and not so friendly) with in the spirit world, meeting the ancient ghosts of Egypt, and why he’s not a bad fella really...

You’re back with your new show, Paranormal Egypt. Tell us about it.
Derek Acorah: The energy and adrenalin in Egypt was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I’m still tingling. Even Sam (Derek’s spirit guide) was taken aback. He said he felt at home. He’s Ethiopian and lived 2,000 years ago, but he knew there were a lot of Ethiopians in Ancient Egypt, and he was telling me the spirits were thrilled I was there.

What sort of investigations did you do there?
DA: Well, I communicated with the mummy of Queen Hatshepsut, the greatest ever female Pharaoh. And I conversed with Tutankhamun and was told how he really died.

Do you have a favourite era you’ve visited?
DA: Ancient Egypt would be right up there, but I’d have to have been wealthy and not someone who built the pyramids. They may be incredible monuments, but the people who worked on them had a terrible life, as they told me when I made contact with them. The work was awful, backbreaking. You started at 14 and didn’t finish until you were about 35 – if you lived that long. There was a high level of child death.

Do you get recognised a lot in the street? What do people say?
DA: I do get recognised and it’s lovely. People say, ‘We miss you on Most Haunted, it’s not the same without you.’ Then out of the blue they’ll say, ‘I lost my mum last week,’ or ‘I lost my son in a terrible tragedy,’ or ‘My husband had a heart attack at work and didn’t come home.’ If their loved one is there with me, I will help, but if not, then I’ll tell them.

What was your first ever job?
DA: At 15 I signed for Liverpool football club as an apprentice professional. I also played for Wrexham, then Ireland and eventually Australia. I was a player coach for an Australian first division team for four years, but I had a knee injury so retired. When I came home I worked as a security guard, before practising as a spiritualist medium.

Who would play you in a film of your life?
DA: It’s weird you ask that, because someone only said recently that my life would make a good film. I don’t know, it’s not something I’ve thought about. Dustin Hoffman or Jon Voight, either of those would make good Derek Acorahs.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?
DA: Smoking. I did cut down to between five and seven a day for a while, now I’m back up to 15 or 20 – but nowhere near the 40 a day I used to smoke. I will give up soon, though.

What are your best and worst features?
DA: On the downside I talk too much – typical Liverpudlian! Plus, I eat too much, I’m a bit podgy right now. I also snore and I drive too fast. I’m irritable when I’m not working and don’t relax enough. On the upside, I’m generous of heart. I adore people and love listening to their stories, and I’m a sucker for animals. Put me with animals and I’m a happy man.

Who would you like to be stuck in a lift with?
DA: Freddie Mercury. Now, there’s a man who would have some great stories to tell. I haven’t contacted him yet, but I hope to some day. It certainly wouldn’t be boring being trapped for hours with Fred. Also, depending on the space, John Lennon, my good old friend Emlyn Hughes and Myleene Klass, she’s lovely, a superb human being.

What’s your favourite food and drink?
DA: Spaghetti bolognese, as made by my lovely wife Gwen. She does the best spag bol in the world. I like the odd steak as well, and a bit of duck. As for drink, I don’t drink beer any more, but I like a nice glass of wine.

What’s your pet hate?
DA: I hate it when people gas off about others. I prefer to take people as I find them, and I won’t stay long in someone’s company if they are slagging someone off.

Do you have any phobias?
DA: I have a fear of heights, which has grown in the last year or two. I don’t know why, because I was such a monkey as a kid – I’d climb anything.

If you were invisible for the day, what would you do?
DA: I would go to visit every person I’ve ever fallen out with. I’d be a fly on the wall and just listen to see if they still held any grudges or were speaking negatively about me. If they were, I’d plan my revenge. Ha-ha!

Derren Brown spoke out against you and other mediums. What do you have to say to your critics?
DA: He’s actually denied the things he said about me. But I’d love to have a proper chat with Derren – if I chatted to him as a spirit, then there would be no way he could deny an afterlife then. Ha!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
DA: To always treat people equally, regardless of wealth or status.

Do you prefer baths or showers?
DA: I like a nice shower, and only occasionally take baths. I’m lucky to have one of those spa bath things with all the bubbles and little jets that massage your back, so I take more baths now than I used to.

Have you ever stolen anything?
DA: Yes, I did. It was when I was about eight. My sister Barbra and I liked to go swimming, but we didn’t have the money this time. In those days my grandfather lived with us. It’s despicable, but I went into his wallet and took some money and we went off to the swimming baths. I did replace the money a few weeks later, but the guilt has stayed with me all my life.

What’s been your biggest splurge?
DA: My house in Spain. When I’m there with my wife and the family it’s the best thing. It wasn’t easy financially, but it was well worthwhile.

Do you speak Spanish?
DA: I know a little bit. Enough to order a nice glass of wine…

Which celebrity would you not invite to a dream dinner party?
DA: The only person who would not make a good dinner guest is Frank Sinatra. I won’t say why, suffice to say I have contacted him and he wouldn’t be invited.

What do you think about before falling asleep?
DA: The next day, mostly. I visualise myself waking up refreshed. I always tell myself that no matter what the next day brings, I will make the most of it and try to enjoy every day as if it’s my last.

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St. Petersburg's Girl Ghostbusters

St. Petersburg, FL - On a steamy August night, four women dressed in purple shirts with the words "paranormal investigator" on their sleeves stood in a circle in a hotel hallway and debated whether the faint smell of perfume in the air indicated the presence of a ghost. It was hard to tell. Ghost hunting isn't exactly a science. The rumors about ghosts at the Heritage Inn, an old-fashioned boutique hotel at 234 Third Ave. N downtown, have been around for years.

In that time, staffers have complained about odd noises. Guests have reported seeing an apparition of a little girl. Once, a couple were so spooked they checked out at 3 a.m.

Popular science would suggest there are no ghosts at the Heritage Inn, or in fact, anywhere. Ghosts do not exist.

Still, for whatever reason, the hotel staff said yes when they got a call from S.P.I.R.I.T.S. - a group of local ghostbusters - asking whether they could investigate reports of a haunting.

They had no way of knowing the investigation would challenge their beliefs on life and death.

* * *

The ghost hunt began in a hotel restaurant that was closed for renovations. Quiet and empty, it was the perfect locale.

Debra Shapiro set out her laptop on a table and turned on its audio recording device. She crossed her fingers for signs of EVPs, or electronic voice phenomena. EVPs are inaudible to the human ear but can allegedly be captured with the aid of technology.

Standing nearby, Brandy Stark used an infrared thermometer to gauge any changes in the atmosphere. Haunted places allegedly produce thermal anomalies such as cold spots, and Stark soon gleefully announced that the temperature had dropped about 7 degrees.

She set out an electromagnetic field meter on a table.

"If there is anyone here, can you please make the meter spike?" she asked.

The meter spiked. Stark smiled.

Ghost hunters believe paranormal entities emit an electromagnetic field. To Stark, this first spike was practically a greeting, a sort of "How do you do?" in paranormal lingo.

"Can you tell us if you are a male? If you are a male, can you make this meter spike?" she said.

The meter spiked. A hallway light flickered.

"Can you make the lights flash again, please," Stark asked.

The lights flashed.

"You have had the lighting checked out, right?" Stark asked.

Lynda Rucker, manager of the Heritage Inn, initially along for a few good chuckles, nodded incredulously.

"Can you make the lights flash one more time, please?" Stark asked.

The meter did not move.

"Oh, please, it was so much fun," Shapiro pleaded.


Later, a maintenance man walked by and asked about the investigation.

"You would never believe us," Rucker said.

* * *

Ghost hunting is tedious business. It involves a lot of waiting, a lot of reviewing of audio recordings and photographs, a lot of defending your hobby to wisecracking friends and coworkers.

The 15 members of the S.P.I.R.I.T.S. all have different stories of how they got into investigating hauntings.

Mostly, they are a studious group. They have respectable, white-collar jobs. They are strict about not allowing outsiders to attend their investigations, and they encourage members to assume that all potential paranormal activity has some nonparanormal explanation.

An apparent apparition caught in a photo could just be a fleck of light. A light flickering could be faulty wiring.

Except, sometimes, there are no logical explanations. Then, even squeaky floors are potential clues.

* * *

In the hallway, the perfume debate continued. The women took turns smelling each other's wrists and hair. No one was wearing lavender perfume, but the scent lingered softly in the air.

Stark attempted to settle it once and for all.

"If you are here," she began, "can you make that lavender smell come back again?"

A faint whiff of perfume floated by, but the group still could not collectively agree on the evidence.

In the end, they decided the origin of the scent was too ambiguous.

They couldn't reach a consensus on whether it was real or not.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Malayan House Comes 'Alive' at Night

Many flock to Jalan Bellamy for the Ikan Bakar while others may recognise the road as home to one of the country’s oldest international school, Alice Smith.

The road has not changed much since the country’s pre-independence days and remains a quiet path that most city dwellers do not use.

With old government quarters hidden by the large trees on the road, the aroma of fish being grilled waft out from Gerai Seri Menanti and Seri Melaka while the chatter and laughter of children from the Alice Smith school livens up the atmosphere.

Rosemary Alder Duckworth who lived at 5, Jalan Bellamy from 1947 to 1949 remembers the days when housing was scarce in post-war Malaya and when most houses on the street housed two or more families.

“A few families would share a home and we were very surprised to find house No 5 empty.

“We moved in but for the next two-and-half years, we had a lot of problems, especially with servants who would just disappear in the night without even collecting their pay,” said Duckworth.

She had come to Malaya with her family when her father, Frederick Victor Duckworth, was appointed the last British adviser of Selangor.

The family managed to trace a few of their former workers and they recounted tales of paranormal activities that took place in the servants quarters and kitchen.

“We then realised that the house was not snapped up because it was considered haunted. Many of the servants told us that they would be jolted awake from sleep and see blinding lights circling on top of them. Some said they even saw vegetables flying around the kitchen,'' said Duckworth.

She had the chance to speak to the Richardson family who had lived in the house before the war and they confirmed the unusual sightings in the house.

“Corinne Richardson was one of those who lived in the house and she related an incident that took place one night.

“She told me she was awakened by loud banging noises and saw an old Chinese man standing next to her bed. Corinne’s sister, who was in the room, also saw the man,” said Duckworth.

“Corinne asked the man what he wanted but there was no reply and the man just walked away. The banging noises, however, continued. Corinne told her parents and although they looked everywhere, the man was not found.''

The Richardsons later found out that at the exact time that Corinne saw the old man, the chief of a nearby village on Jalan Bellamy had passed away.

“When she was shown a picture of the village chief, Corinne recognised him as the old man who had appeared in her room.''

During the Duckworth family’s stay at the house, the haunting worsened and they had to conduct an exorcism ceremony.

Other than this, the family enjoyed their stay on the quaint Bellamy road.

“It was a very quiet and nice residential area with big trees. said Duckworth.

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Has a Chupacabra Been Found in Texas?

Cuero, Texas - Phylis Canion lived in Africa for four years. She's been a hunter all her life and has the mounted heads of a zebra and other exotic animals in her house to prove it.

But the roadkill she found last month outside her ranch was a new one even for her, worth putting in a freezer hidden from curious onlookers: Canion believes she may have the head of the mythical, bloodsucking chupacabra.

"It is one ugly creature," Canion said, holding the head of the mammal, which has big ears, large fanged teeth and grayish-blue, mostly hairless skin.

Canion and some of her neighbors discovered the 40-pound bodies of three of the animals over four days in July outside her ranch in Cuero, 80 miles southeast of San Antonio. Canion said she saved the head of the one she found so she can get to get to the bottom of its ancestry through DNA testing and then mount it for posterity.

She suspects, as have many rural denizens over the years, that a chupacabra may have killed as many as 26 of her chickens in the past couple of years.

"I've seen a lot of nasty stuff. I've never seen anything like this," she said.

What tipped Canion to the possibility that this was no ugly coyote, but perhaps the vampire-like beast, is that the chickens weren't eaten or carried off — all the blood was drained from them, she said.

Chupacabra means "goat sucker" in Spanish, and it is said to have originated in Latin America, specifically Puerto Rico and Mexico.

Canion thinks recent heavy rains ran them right out of their dens.

"I think it could have wolf in it," Canion said. "It has to be a cross between two or three different things."

She said the finding has captured the imagination of locals, just like purported sightings of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster have elsewhere.

But what folks are calling a chupacabra is probably just a strange breed of dog, said veterinarian Travis Schaar of the Main Street Animal Hospital in nearby Victoria.

"I'm not going to tell you that's not a chupacabra. I just think in my opinion a chupacabra is a dog," said Schaar, who has seen Canion's find.

The "chupacabras" could have all been part of a mutated litter of dogs, or they may be a new kind of mutt, he said.

As for the bloodsucking, Schaar said that this particular canine may simply have a preference for blood, letting its prey bleed out and licking it up.

Chupacabra or not, the discovery has spawned a local and international craze. Canion has started selling T-shirts that read: "2007, The Summer of the Chupacabra, Cuero, Texas," accompanied by a caricature of the creature. The $5 shirts have gone all over the world, including Japan, Australia and Brunei. Schaar also said he has one.

"If everyone has a fun time with it, we'll keep doing it," she said. "It's good for Cuero."

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South Wales' Rhymney House Hotel Haunted

Rhymney House Hotel licensee Rob Dunster says he definitely feels a presence every time he steps into the 19th Century building.

The small hotel, situated on the A465 near Rhymney Bridge, appears in the Haunted Cardiff and the Valleys book, compiled by the South Wales Paranormal Research team, and is thought to be haunted by a pregnant maid who threw herself from the top window.

The hotel has been owned for six years by the Dunster family, who all differ in opinion on the presence.

Licensee Rob, 42, says he is spooked by the building and believes there is a definite presence.

He said: “I am quite sure there is something here.

“We have had two paranormal groups come to visit us and they have both felt it.

“I think it’s in the cellar.”

Rob’s sister Jackie, 52, also works part-time at the hotel. She said: “I am a bit of a sceptic. I think the nature of the building makes it a bit eerie because parts of it are dark and cold.

“But whenever I stay the night on my own, I’m more worried about humans breaking in than ghosts.

“But one of the previous owners said their daughter used to speak to a kind old lady who would sit on the edge of her bed.”

The Grade II-listed building, which sits on a two-acre site, is surrounded by a farmyard and a row of ageing listed trees. The owners say it is prone to a lot of nocturnal noises.

Rob said: “We do hear quite a few strange noises at night and that can be a bit spooky, but I don’t think it’s too bad.

“If our guests ask about the paranormal activity, we tell them if they want it to be haunted it is, but if they don’t want it to be, it’s not.”

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